Dobrobaba Yu.P., Murlina V.A., Murlin A.G., Koshkin G.A., Akulov O.V. Development
of universal standard transnational functions of systems..................... .................
Romanov D.A. Analizer of SHF sygnals and cirquits on the basis of microprocessor
electronic means. ............................................................................................................. ‘ 247
Kosolapov A.V., Latyshev V.V. Automation of milk production , using guided separator-
engines.................................................................................... ..................... ................. 249
Markov Yu.F., Dvinyaninov V.L, Palladiev A.A. Practical application of automated systems
of control of technological processes of grain processing and storage enterprises.......... 250
Gamanchenko A.L, Ilchishina N.V., Lobanov V.G., Prihodko O.V., Bodlova O.V.
Development of compositional dry milky-soy mixtures with increased biological
value and protective properties......................... ........... ....................................... ........... 251
Grin N.F., Shakhray T.A., Timofeyenko T.L, Yagunova T.A., Plomodyalo O.S.
"Tonus-antistress" is a product for correction and prevention of emotional stress......
Yagunova T.A., Timofeyenko T.L, Shakhray T.A., Kucher I.V. Utilization of prospholipid
products in dietetic food for diabetes teaerment.............................................................. 253
Nikonovich S.N., Kotelnikov D.A., Shakhray T.A., Timofeyenko T.L, Kucher I.V.
Production of salad oils, using C02-extracts of spicy plants!......................................... 254
Roslyakov Yu. F., Bochkova L.K., Shmalko N.A. New functional bakery products on the
basis of amarantus seeds products treatment..................................................... ......... 255
Vershinina O.L., Asmayeva Z.I., Kalmanovich V.L, Martovschuk N.N., Kornen N.N.
Application of vegetable biologically active additives in preparation of bakery
products of new generation...................... ..................... ................................................ 256
i L.G., Manukova G.L., Roslyakov Yu. F., Chumakova I.V. Application of
dry soy-milk in bakery production............................... !................................................. 257
Uvarova I.I., Manukova G.L., Proportsionalnaya N.A. Using of albumen-containing raw
material in waffle production........................................ .................................................. 258
Chistova I.V. Widening of dietetic sort of bread assortment...................................................... 259
Vaulina N.V., Olshevskaya L.V., Osipova N.V. Making of food products of increased
biological value from vegetable raw material of Ural region.......................................... 261
Krasina I.B., Kalmukidi E.I., Miklyayeva O.A. Phyto-additives in caramel production........ 262
Krasina I.B., Miroshnichenko T.V. Utilization of amarantus treatment products for making
articles of medical and preventive purpose...................................................................... 262
Osipova N.V., Senchenko L.K., Rumyantsev V.A., Chugunova O.V. Utilization of
vegetable, fruit and berry powders for increase of assortment of food concentrated
products..... .;.................................................................................................................... 263
Dzarullayev D.S., Aminov M.S, Mulberry and method of making dessert product of it......... 264
Efimov A.N., Nazarenko S.V., Isagulyan E.A. Comparative characteristics of soy-milk,
produced from different sorts of soy......................................
Verteletskaya V.V., Mhitaryants L.A., Kornena E.P. Influence of biologically active
additives on the quality and terms of storage of solid Cheese................................ ........ 266
Kalmanovich S.A., Ibragimova Z.R., Ilyinova S.A. New mayonaiz with albumen tomato
and oil paste................................................
Butina E.A., Ilyinova S.A., Tolstykh L.D. New medico-preventive mayonaiz.......................
‘ 268
Bugaets N.A., Korneva O.A., Alvan amin, Bukhtoyarova Z.T., Kulikov I.A. Using of
albumen components in biscuits making.................................................
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