Bibartseva F.F., Tsybulskaya M.I., Suvorova E.E., Korolev P.N. Biocatalithic production
of coferments. .................. ............... ........................ ................................ ................ 121
Timkin V.A., Minukhin L.A, Installation on the basis of baromembrane processes for frnit-
and-berry and vegetable juices concentration....... ............................................... .
Krutov A.S., Doroshenko S.A., Polischuk N.A., Kasyanova T.G., Sarapkina O.V. Tinned
products in large-size packing for children catering in pre-school institutions..............
Demchenko S.V., llyishina N.V., Roslyakov Yu.F., Shulvinskaya I.V., Tsymbalenko E.,
Alexeyev A. Theoretical arid practical aspects of preserving technology of fhiit-and-vegetable
raw, material....................... :.:.............................. .............. ....................................
Kasyanov G.L., Gritskikh V.A., Burtsev A.V., Burtsev B.V. Extrudat technology ,
improvement........ ............... ................................. ......................................................
Kovbasaa V.M., Terletska V.A. Some aspects of new product extrusional technology
development..................................................................................................................... 128
Reshetova R.S., Baryshev M.G. Increase of sugar yeald in sugar-beet processing..... ,........... 129
Reshetova R.S., Gamanchenko M.A. Preliminary defecation with sediment separation......... 129
Shub I.S., Loginova M.V., Anoshina O.M., Shikina V.S. Working out of method of
saccharine product with increased nutritive value obtaining from rye.............. .......... 130
Shubl.S.» Loginova M.V., Anoshina O.M., Shikina V.S. Sugar-containing products from
rye grain.........................................................................................................;.................. 131
Kvasehkov ОЛ. Used of cavitational phenomena of phase transfer in ftuit-and-vegetable
juices production..............................
Kvasenkov O.L, Kvasenkova A.V. Technology of making food albumen from plants............
Eldarkhanova I.B., Kvasenkov O.L Way of quality improvement of tinned products from
dry raw material......... ............
Stetsenko A.V., Tagiyeva T.G., Kuznetsova N.M. Dessert pastes produced on the basis of
reverse-type emulsion.....................................
Burtsev V.A., Bokovikova T.N*, Ovdienko Yu.i., Burtsev B.V. Making and stabilization of
red food colouring..............................
Kozhukhova M.A., Terkun A.N. Fermentative treatment of raw material in production of
juices and drinks with pulp....!............ ...................................................... .................. 136
Kozhukhova M.A., Andreyeva L.P., Evsyukova LA. Comparison of ways of refrigerational
storage of Jerusalem artichoke.................
Alexandrova M.M.,Krikunova L.N. Intensification of process of Jerusalem artichoke wort
fermentation................................................................ ...... :.................................. .......... 137
Kokhanovskaya T.N., Bakalova V.N., Kolupayeva V.I. Natural raw material to the alcohol-
free drinks........................................................................................................................
Lyashenko E.P. Encreasing of nutritive and biological value of tinned products for children
food on the basis of biotechnical processes..................................................................... 139
Lyashenko E.P., Shalayeva
O.Yu., Grom L.L., Makarenko G.G., Markina T.N.,
Vorobyova S.P. Small-waste technologies of fruit and vegetable treatment on the
basis of biotechnical processes and membrane technology............................................. 140
Krutov A.S., Kovarik V.M. New technologies of tomato processing.......................................
Ilyina I.A., Zemskova Z.G., Shmalts L.S. Creation of determinated model of process of
copper and pectin molecules complex-formation............................................................ 144
Rusynova L.A., Kasyanov G.I., Mikhaylyuta L.V. Protective coats and covering with
germicidal addirives......................................................................................................... 146
Budacheva T.N., Kleschunova G.A., Bonenko Zh.N. Vitamin dressings and their nutritive
value................................................................................................................................ 147
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