Andreyenkov V.A., Alyokhina L.V., Mansvetova E.V., Chernukhina A.I.,
Gabrielyan G.A. Using of polysaccharides for quality improvement of boiled sausage............ 300
Faradzheva E.D., Chusova A.E. Influence of yeast race on the taste and scent of beer.......... 302
Tsyganova T.B., Konotop N.S., Klassina
S.Ya. Development of soy albumenlipid complex
for flour products of medical and preventive purpose makings.i,Д>.... .•л ............... 304
Rumyantseva V.V., Koryachkina
S.Ya.Development of technology ofjelly marmalade
with cereal bran................................................................................................................ 305
Zaiko GJVL?Tamoya
M.Yu., Chaneva M. Study of complex-forming .ability of pectin in
solutions subjected to freezing....................................... . . ; . . . . : ...................... 306
M.Yu.Protometric and spectrographic determination of heavy- metals .(lead, nickel)
influence on beta-carotin solutions stability.............................. .
................. 307
Studentsova N.A., Logvinov M.V., Vishnevsky S.L. Food biological/value of products of
invertebrates and sea-weeds................................................. . T?
.......•;..... ............ 308
Studentsova N.A., Logvinov M.V. Utilization of mussels for products: with increased
biological value................................................................. *
. . . . : ..... ........ 310
Vishnevsky S.L., Studentsova N.A., Logvinov M.V. Utilization of sea-weeds as structure-
makers.................... ............................................................. ...................... ..................... 310
Boltnikov S.G., Ivanova E.E., Chekhomov M.L. Old technologies -and;new products.,;.,.... 311
Rasulov E.M;, DzharuIIayev D.S. New technology of functional nutrition products on the
basis of vegetable, groats and fish hydrolizats................................................................. 312
Rodionova N.S. Study of possibilities of utilization of stevia in technology of functional
; ,
products................................................................................ .........................i
........... 313
Tsyganova T.V., Lyushinskaya I.I., Shumskaya O.F. Increase of food value of bakery
products........................................................................................................................... 315
Tarasov V.E., Pelipenco T.V., Zubareva A.A., Shmakova N.V. C02-extract of echinacea
purpurea is a new biologically active additive for food industry products...................... 315
Korchagin V.L, Magomedov G.O., Stolyarova L.I., Derkanosova N*M., Karpenko V.I.
Utilization of marrow and milky powdery semifinished product for making of bakery
products of increased mineral value.....................................................................
Sanina T.V., Zubchenko A.V., Lukanina S.I. Perfection of quality of creamy with
powderlike semi-finished products......................................... ..........................;..........
Sanina T.V. Usid of powder-like semi-finished products in making flour confectionary
products of increased nutritive value.................................... ,....;.................................. 320
Kobilinskaya E.V., Kovbasa V.N., Mank V.V. Wetting of food biopolymeres by polar and
non-polar liguids....................................................................................
Kovbasa V.N., Romashko E.V., Kobilinskaya E.V. Children nutrition products of fast
preparation on the basis of cereals............................................. ..................................... , 323
Zaporozhsky V.A., Zaporozhsky A.A. Prospects of food production for gerodietetic
Kamysheva I.M., Stupakova L.F., Domoroschenkova M.L. Creation of technologies for
producing albumen-carbohydrate drinks from amarantus seeds... .................. ............... 325
Pavlova G.N., Erashova L.D., Artyukh L.V., Ermolenko R.S., Alekhina L.A. New food
products with antimutagenous properties of non-traditional kinds of raw material........ 326
Pavlova G.N., Erashova L.D., Ermolenko R.S., Alekhina L.A., Artyukh L.V. New non-
sterializable products on the basis of vegetable soy albumen.
......................... 327
Mikhailyuta L.V. Widening of the spectrum of utilization of wheat bud flakes..... .................. 328
Troyan Z.A., Lychkina L.V., Korastileva N.N., Bonenko Zh.N., Yurchenko N.V.,
Budacheva T.N. Walnut leaves is biologically active additive..................................................... 329
Troyan Z.A., Lychkina L.V., Yurchenko N.V., Bonenko Zh.N., Korastileva N.N.,
Budacheva T.N. Black nut is a resource of valuable oil..................... ......................................
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