Omarov M.M., Aminov M.S.,Islamov M.N., Abdulkhalikov Z.A. Study of inertness of
sublimator heaters......... ..................................................................................................
Fatykhov Yu.A., Erlikhman V.N. About criocrushing of food sugar..................
........... ,
Derkanosova N.M. Modelling of preparation process of liquid rye ferment in vaguely
determined conditions of system functioning...... ............................................ ................ 213
Koshevoy E.P., Stepanova E.G., Gratchov A.N., Usaty N.N. Intensification of sugar-beet
extraction by method of activation................................. ................................................... 214
Sobolev E.M., Aslanov V.S. Peculiarities of wine clarifying by filtration using auxiliary
Dzharullayev D.S., Aminov M.S. Method and arragement of pre-treatment of apples before
Mikhnenko E.A., Mischenko A.S., Kizyun G.A., Zhuravsky I.N. Vaccuum rectificational
technologies in alcohol industry of Ukraine..;: ... ...........". ................... ...................... 218
Lyubchenkov P.P., Ryabchenko N.P. Higt-speed concentrationing of grape juice................... 219
Konstantinov E.N., Ponomarenko D.V. Modelling of sorbtion process of food acids on
Ovdiyenko Yu.I., Bokovikova T.N., Burtsev V.A. Modernization of food production sewage
purif cation.......................... A.................................................................. ......................... 221
Vyrodov I.P., Derevenko V.V. Thermodynamics laws in industrial processes.......................
Derevenko V.V., Vyrodov I.P. Exergetic losses of thermo-technical system in vegetable oil
production...... .........................
Vyrodov I.P., Derevenko V.V. Effeciency and effectiveness of thermal devices of food
industry.... ....................... ................................ ................................................................... 226
Derevenko V.V. Energo-technological analisis of system of peeling of oil seeds....................... 227
Vyrodov I.P., Derevenko V.V. Coefficient of solvent activity and vegetable oil of
miscella.............................A............................................................................................ 229
Vyrodov I.P., Derevenko V.V. Dependence of solvent vapour-formation heat from its
coefficient of activity in miscella......................................... ............................................
Litvinenko A. V., Bunyakin A.V., Mgebrishvili T.V. Mathematic description of disperse
materials wringing out in rolling press unit..................................................... ................. 232
Mgebrishvili T.V., Mikhelson A.A. Change of urease activity during soybeans fryining out
in vegetable oil........................................................................ .......................................... 235
Konstantinov E.N., Prichko V.A., Pogodina E.O. Mathematical modelling of sorbtion
process in pumpkin candied peel making........................................................................
Korotkova T.G. Mathematical modelling of phase equilibrum for separation of multy-
component mixtures of vapour-liquid systems by means of combination of methods
UNIQUAC and UNIFAC......................................................., ........................................ 237
Levsh V.I., Rakhmonov T.Z., Mirzarakhimov M.S. Mathematical model of spray
precipitation........................................... ............................... .................. ....... ................... 239
Gaytov B.H., Popov B.K., Popova O.B. Mathematical model of engine-centrifuge........ ........ 241
Kosachev V.S., Koshevoy E.P., Garus A.A., Koshevaya S.E., Zhemukhova M.M.
Solving of problem practice in the sphere of processes and apparatuses by the method
of Bubnov-Galerkin......................................................................................................... 242
Koshevoy E.P., Kosachev V.S., Blyagoz H.R., Syukhov H.R., Chundyshko
V.Yu. Solving
of problems of mass-transfer in the layer of dispersional material with account of
longitudinal mixing.................................
Dobrobaba Yu.P., Murlina V.A., Koshkin G.A., Martynenko A.V., Laktionova T.A.
Monotonuously decreasing ACH-instrument of rational choice of dynamic system
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