A.Yu., Gritsenko O.G., Doroshev LA. Technological quality, of chalk and glass-like *
rice grain............................................................................ ..у ;... ^ ..................... ;.:..
M.Yu.About the tasks of increasing of technological processes efficiency in the
production of food bran and germ flakes........................................... .................. ..........
A.Yu., Gez V.L, Nechayev M.V., Gez N.V. Influence of GTG regimes on wheat
firmness characteristics.................................. . . . . / ч . . . : 100
A.Yu., Bakhmet M.P., Buryak S.O. New principles of formation of millable ; ;
portions Ofgrain........................................................... ........... . . ................................
Gribkova I.N., Kazakova E.A., ErmolayeyaG.A., Gernet M.Y. Making brewing malt with
ferment-substance celloviridin G 20X.
................ . . . L________ •............. 101
Tkachenko A.F., Levandovsky L.V., Oliynichuk S.T., Pochechun A.A,, Myrza V.M.
Making dried baking yeast of “Instant” type.......______ .....
Tkachenko L.V., Oliynichuk S.T., Zubchenko V.S. Activation of dairy bacteria by means
of application of electromagnetic emanation..... ................................ .............................
Oliynichuk S/Г., Levandovsky L.V., Shevchenko V.L, Gaiday L.L, Myrza V.M. Complex
technology of grain conversion to albumen concentrated product and ethyl alcohol...... 103
Logvinova T.T., Gaponova L.V., Kuzmin A.L. Making products from high-quality soy
seeds by the method of frying over......................................... ......................................... 104
A.Yu., Nechayev M.V., Gez V.L, Pisarenko: A.N. Groat-making and enrichment
regimes on mills with reduced techonological process..................................................... 105
ShazzoA.Yu., Pogorelova I.I., Matsakova N.V. Change'of consumer properties of rice
during grinding.......................................... ....................................................................... 106
Medvedev G.M., Lazarev S.V. Role of egg-products inmacaroni production......................... 106
Podolskaya M.V., Malofeyeva L.S., Matveyeva I.V., Kolupaeva T, Tyrsin Yu.A.
Application of food additive ascorbilpalmitat in bakery and flour confectionary
products........................ ..................................................................................................... 107
Nazarenko S.V. Application of thermostable amilaze in soy concentrated product making...... 108
Lobanov A.A., Konstantinov V.E>., Butina E.A., Bondarenko I.N. Equilibrum in aceton-
phospholipid-neutral lipid system in production of phospholipid BAA... :................. 109
Kirdayshkin V.V., Matyushkina I.V., Doronin A.F. Technology of receiving of fast-boiling
milled peas with profilactic purposes.................................'.ч-::....................................... 110
Usov A.P., Ponomarenko R.L Rational technology of linalool isolation from essential oils..,. I l l
Tarasov V.E., Fedorovich N.N.Modern approaches to the production of food vegetable oils
on small-tonnage production lines....... j.'..... Лv.ч..:. .....;....
Gerasimenko E.O., Illarionova V*V., Babushkin A.E., Gherkasov V.N. Prospective
technology of wax-type substances isolation1 from sunflower oil........ .......................... 112
Gerasimenko E.O., Zharko M.V., Tincova G.S. Development of vegetable oil hydratation
process................................................................................................ ............................... 115
Vorontsova O.S., Serdyuk L.M., Galeyev M.G., Kornena E*P. By-substances of oils
produced from soy seeds of modem selection.................................................................. 116
Gerasimenko E.O., Babyshkin A.E., Kravchuk N.N. Russian technology and line of
vegetable oils rafination.................................. .......... ...; /.......... V.;.. л ....................... 117
Varlamov S.V., Martovschuk V.L Determining of optimal regimes of vegetable oil
hydratation by current load of MNA engine....................................
................... 117
Kuprianova L.A., Gorobets V.A. Use of Unutilized wastes of vegetable raw material for
making C02-extracts.....................................................................
Aminov M.S., Muradov M.S., Daurova T.N., Ramazanova L.A. Study of regimes of
colouring substances extraction from hawthorn and elder berry.................................... 120
Molokin L.V., Shmalko T.A., Grachova I.M., Korolev P.N. Determination of possibilities
of sorbose production wastes utilization for making products of glycerin
transformation.................................................................................................................... 121
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