Shamkova N.T., Zayko G.M. Qualimetry of nutritive products in school catering;.................. 270
Frampolskaya T.V., Mamedova E.I., Klevtsova O.M., Ruban 'V.S;iNovelty in vegetable
tinned products preparation t e c h n o l o g y . . . . . . . ....... ................................................... 272
Frampolskaya ;T.y., Mamedova
E.LyKlevtsova 6.М. New recipes of salads with
increased biololgical value and protective properties...
у л
........................... 273
Likhacachova E.L, Azin D.L., Timkin V.A. Ways of increasing of biological value of
bread and bakery products..... ....................................................... .................................... 274
Azin D.L., Osipova N.V., Chugunova O.V. New kinds of kissels with vegetable powders.....
.y /
Medvedeva LJU, Fedotova N.L Increase of nutritive value of products made of
unleavened bough................................................................................................................ 276
Zlobina I.A., Fedotova N.I. Scientific principles of organization pf public catering in
industrial enterprises...vv/Л
A................................. .......................................... 276
Shmidt E.V., Ryzhova L.V. Groat'and curds dishes with fruit and berry fillers..... .................. 277
Zelenkov V.N., Kolesnikova O.P., Kudayeva O.T., Poskrebysheva G.I. Testing of
immunoactive, properties of tinned products on the basis of pumpkin, Jerusalem
artichoke and buckthorm on the model in vitro................................................................ 278
Poshkin V.E., Nadtochiy M.A;VDaragan A.G., Kovler M.A., Karaycv A.L.,
Chernyshov E.A., Scherbinin V.V. "Gemavit" is biologically active additive to the food
of antioxidant effect
................ ......................................................................... 280
Zelenkov V.N., Lizko N.N. Utilization of Jerusalem artichoke in production of
probiological food products on the basis of biphidobacteria and lactobacilli.................. 281
Zelenkov V.N., Zaxas N.P., Shelpakova I.R. Mineral contents of dry vegetable
concentrated.p r o d u c t s ......................................................................................... 283
T.Af,Grin N.F., Khaferyan R.A., Shechnik A.A., Borovikova O.V.
Phospholipid products in curing of chronic nonspecific lungs illnesses........................... 285
Alyan A., Bugayets N.A., Korneva O.A., Scherbakov V.G., Bukhtoyarova Z.T.,
Minakova A.D. Utilization of sesame albumens in production of sweet dishes................... .
Bokovikova T.N., Butina E.A., Kapustyanskaya Zh.V., Ovdienko Yu.I., Burtsev V.A.
Phospholipids of sunflower vegetable oil and ways of their removal.............................. 287
S.Ya., Osipova G.A., Evseyenkova N.V. Development of macaroni products
technology with complex additive using............................................................................ 288
Lazareva L.V., Lazarev S.V. Application of extrusional starch in bread-making from
,wheat flower........................
Andreyenkov V.A., Pankratov V.A., Prokofyeva
L.Yu. Multifunctional food additives on
the basis of bio priority of surface-active substances........................................................ 290
Andreyenkov V.A., Vaschuk E.A., Misharina T.A. Influence of new kinds of
multifunctional additives on the meat-product quality..................................................... 291
Antipova L.V., Kulpina A.L., Donets A.A., Kuznetsov A.N. New food products with
increased biological value and properties on the basis of rational utilization of
low sort and secondary albumen raw material of meat industry....................................... 292
Andreyenkov V.A., Alyokhina L.V., Mansvetova E.V. New Russian food additives with
meat flavour for sausage production.................................................................................. 294
Andreyenkov V.A., Alyokhina L.V., Mansvetova E.V., Nefedova N.N. New Russian
concervant for meat products............................................................................................. 295
Timkin V.A., Vertyl V.V., Popova A.V. Application of food additives and improvers in
bread making, confectionary and macaroni products....................................................
Likhachova E.I. Using of wheat bran in bread-making recipe.................................................... 296
Paschenko L.P., Serebryakova
N.Ya., Tareyeva I.M., Paschenko
L.Yu.Products of
modification of leguminous plants in bread technology................................................... 297
Pershikova A.V., Gaponova L.V., Rybaichenko O.V. Fermentated products on soy basis.... 299
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