Khamie Khussein Nuretdin, Shlyakhovetsky V.M* To the problem of design of cold
supplying systems with cold accumulatuion in Lebanon conditions...... . .....-................ 379
Shlyakhovetsky V.M., Korolyov M.V. Protection of a refrigerator working in the conditions
of intensive insolation............. ............................................................ ...............;........... 380
Stupko D.V. r Shlyakhovetsky V.M. To the problem of minimal thickness of ■
thermoinsulation of domestic refrigerator protection c o n d i t i o n s . ..... , .............. 381
Sokolova L.I., Pshenisnova C.R., Kirin M*E. The problem of attitude of different categories
of popdation to reorganization of AIC.,,.r............ ............ .......... .............................
Rudenko G.V., Pshenisnova C.R., Kirin M.E* Development of villiage infrastructure as а л
solution of the problem of em p lo im en t
........................ .................................384
Klokov V.A., Pshenisnova C.R., Zherdev A.S. Influence of A1C development on the
changes of social sphere and infrastructure of a villiage..... .........................
Lamanov P.L, Stadnik АЛ. Influence of personnel policy on the social development of
c o l l e c ti v e ; ...
......■.>,..;.............. ............................................................. .........•> 386
Lamanov P.I., Stadnik АЛ. Personnel policy in modern conditions .................... ................... 388
Lamanov РЛ., Sheudzhen K.M. Problems of labour norm-fixing in the system of personnel
Kirillova O. G. Demography and marketing..............................................................................
Zherebyatyeva O.V., Orlyansky A.G. Efficiency of social policy..........................................
Dubtsov LG;, Bout LI* Analysis of aspects of a person as a factor of risk decreasing in
innovational a c t i v i t y . .................. ...... ............................................................... 393
Silina O.G., Orlyansky A.G. Russian economy on the threshold of new millenium............... 394
Sirenko A.V. The ways of stabilization and economic growth of A IC ....................................... 396
Petrova E.V*, Kushnir D.D. Priority directions of overcoming AIC crisis in modern
Kripinevich V.V., Reutskaya LV., Stoyanova
E.Yu.Requirements to the evaluation of an
enterprise management efficiency.................................................................................... 399
Rudenko G.V., Goncharova N.F., Sidorenko E.V. Role of finance and industrial integration
. in;AIC during the development industrial complex of the country............ .•. .............. 401
Gritsayeva L.A. Land is not a commodity.................................................................................. 402
Prokhorova V.V. Some problems of cooperation of local government with enterprises of
Zmiev E.E. Problem of munucipial governmentby the development of agroindustrial sector of
city economy (City of Krasnodar as an example)............................................................. 406
Schepakin JVLB., Krachkovskaya V.G* Formation of system of quality control on the
enterprises in the conditions of development of market relations.......................... ......... 408
Shikhaliyeva D.S., Islamov A*M* Some aspects of stabilisation of agro-industrial production
of republic of Dagestan................ .................................... ...........................................
Polidi A.A., Paliy A.V. Diversification as a modern form of food industi
Styrenkova T.A. To the problem of control of financial resourses of food industry
enterprises............................ .................. .............’.......... ................................................. 413
Lamanov P.L, Gish A.R. Labour resourses of Adygeya............................................................ 414
Shumskiy N.V., Lamanov РЛ. State regulation of AIC of Russia....................... .................... 415
Mironskaya I.V., Simankov V.V. Problems of automation of management activity.............. 416
Gritsayeva L.A. Creation of value at the enterprise of the second divizion...
..... ............ 418
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