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ͪКормопроизводствоͫ № 7, 2015


Yu. S. Tyurin, Dr. Agr. Sc.

V. M. Kosolapov, Dr. Agr. Sc.

All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute

141055, Russia, Moscow Region, Lobnya, Science Park, Bld. 1


For the first Ɵme in Russia there were conducted the tests on the common vetch grain use in animal feeding. The

requirements to the base vetch varieƟes are given here, as well as the reasons for the lack of fodder grain variet-

ies of vetch. A new vetch variety


is described. The first step to the creaƟon of a new fodder grain va-

riety was to invesƟgate the seed collecƟons and the breeding stock and find vetch samples with high seed pro-

ducƟon, with high protein content of the seeds, with low HCN (hydrocyanic acid) and trypsin inhibitors content.

Breeding stock esƟmaƟon revealed some samples with no HCN, some — with acceptable level of trypsin inhib-

itors and others — with protein of high biological value. Lines 2217-82 and 2219-82, hybrids No. 476, 477, 478,

and others proved to be free from cyanogenic glycosides. The minimum content of trypsin inhibitor (37…49 mg



DM was found in hybrids No. 484, 476, 477, 478. Samples remarkable for their economically valuable prop-

erƟes formed the basis of the working collecƟon. The working collecƟon was then used for creaƟng fodder grain

varieƟes of vetch. A hybrid populaƟon was created, which gave birth to the line 2217-82, free from HCN. Zootech-

nical assessment of breeding stock showed cost-effecƟveness of replacing soybean meal with vetch grain (line

2217-82), which later served as the basis for the

‘Lugovskaya 98’


‘Lugovskaya 98’

was intended for direct

use of the grain in the broiler diets. The use of

‘Lugovskaya 98’

grain as a protein component of broiler chickens

feed provided good meat producƟvity and quality due to the absence of hydrocyanic acid and significant amount

of amino acids: lysine 5.60 %; methionine + cysƟne 1.60 %. The acceptable level of HCN in the diet was set: 0.9 mg



DM. This amount of HCN pracƟcally does not affect the use of nutrients, producƟvity and livability of broil-

er chickens. The acceptable level of

‘Lugovskaya 98’

grain in the broiler chickens diet was set at 15 % by weight.

Beginning from 2011, a new vetch variety


is included in the State Register of breeding achievements of

the Central Chernozem, North-Western and Ural regions. According to the state tests for the new crop varieƟes,

the average DM yield from


variety is 4.51 tons ha


; seed yield is 2.24 tons ha




is fusarium-

resistant and adapted to waterlogged land. It may also be a good source of green mass.


common vetch, breeding, anƟ-nutriƟonal factors, fodder grain variety, green mass variety.

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