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12. Samygin D., Baryshnikov N., Vinnichek L., Gla-
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Об авторах:
Винничек Любовь Борисовна,
доктор экономических наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой организации и информатизации производства,
http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6127-7201, Scopus ID: 57195234144, Researcher ID: F-1187-2017,
l_vinnichek@mail.ruПавлов Александр Юрьевич,
кандидат экономических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой экономики и управления, ORCID:
Scopus ID: 56149065900, Researcher ID: C-4781-2017,
crsk@mail.ruБатова Вера Николаевна,
доцент кафедры экономики и управления, ORCID:
http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0484-0819, Scopus ID: 55967410800, Researcher ID: F-1726-2016,
L.B. Vinnichek
A.Yu. Pavlov
, V.N. Batova
Penza state agrarian university, Penza
Penza state technological university, Penza, Russia
Small business enƟƟes engaged in business acƟviƟes in the agro-industrial sphere are objecƟvely in unfavorable condiƟons compared to large agribusiness organiza-
Ɵons due to limited own resources and lack of opportuniƟes for such parameters as access to financial resources and public investment. The main purpose of the study
is to develop the most opƟmal mechanism of state financial and credit support for small agribusiness. The analysis of forms and methods of financial support of small
agribusiness in foreign countries, which revealed the dependence of the level of economic development of the country, and the development of small farms. The main
tool of the state financial and credit support of agriculture is to increase the availability of loans for small agribusiness. Since 2017, in order to reduce the financial
burden on agricultural enterprises, preferenƟal lending has been introduced directly through credit insƟtuƟons at a rate of not more than 5% per annum. In this regard,
the arƟcle is devoted to the analysis of the results of the use and improvement of the new mechanism of concessional lending in terms of improving the efficiency
of small businesses. The authors studied the state financial and credit support for small businesses, which is carried out in two direcƟons, analyzed the condiƟons of
subsidizing loans and concessional lending. A number of serious problems in the implementaƟon of the mechanism of concessional lending, requiring early soluƟons,
developed measures to develop standards for lending to small businesses, increase funding for agricultural projects, the development of mechanisms of concessional
lending, aimed at solving exisƟng problems at all stages of the life cycle of agricultural business.
state support, small forms of management, loan subsidies, preferenƟal lending.
Moryakhina N.V., Asanina D.A., Kindaev
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Analytical review of the current economic
situation in Russia and the development of small and
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XXI vek: itogi proshlogo i prob-
lemy nastoyaschego plyus
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past and challenges of the present plus. 2014. No. 6 (22).
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use
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Agrarnyj nauch-
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= Agricultural scientific journal. 2017. No. 2.
Pp. 70-75.
Zabolotskaya V.V., Hut N.A.
Comparative analysis
of state support of small and medium-sized businesses
in Russia and abroad.
Teoriya i praktika obschestvennogo
= Theory and practice of social development.
2015. No. 10. Pр. 46-49.
Rodionova I.A., Govorunova T.V., Vlasova O.V., Noro-
vyatkin V.I.
Forms of state support of science and innova-
tion: domestic and foreign experience.
Agrarnyj nauch-
nyj zhurnal
= Agricultural scientific journal. 2017. No. 5.
Pp. 91-96.
A.Yu., Palatkin I.V., Tarasova T.V.
Problems of
development and state support of agricultural credit con-
sumer cooperatives.
Internet-zhurnal «Naukovedenie»
Online journal“Science”. 2013. No. 6 (19). Pp. 40.
Pereverzin Yu.N., Vasileva E.V.
State regulation and
self-regulation of the food market and its infrastructure.
Ekonomicheskie nauki
= Economic sciences. 2009. No. 60.
Pp. 103-107.
7. Decree of the government of the Russian Federa-
tion dated 29.12.2016 No. 1528 “On approval of the rules
of providing subsidies from the Federal budget to Russian
credit institutions for the compensation of lost income on
loans issued to agricultural producers, organizations and
individual entrepreneurs engaged in production, primary
and (or) subsequent (industrial) processing of agricultural
products and its implementation, at a reduced rate”. SPS
“Consultant plus”.
Uzun V.
Subsidies in agriculture: small business is
losing again.
Monitoring ekonomicheskoj situatsii v Rossii:
tendencii i vyzovy socialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya
Monitoring of the economic situation in Russia: trends
and challenges of socio-economic development. 2017.
No. 11 (49). Pр. 22-25.
9. Belousov S.A., Pavlov A.Y., BatovaV.N., Sokolov A.Y.,
Kolesnikov A.V., Vyushkina E.G. Neo-endogenous model
of overcoming imbalances in economic-legal framework
of Russia agrarian regions as a factor of economic secu-
rity. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sci-
ences. 2016. Vol. 3. Iss. 4. Pp. 20-24.
Fedotov N.G., Syemov A.A., Moiseev A.V., Kindaev A.Y.,
Lizunkov V.G.
New methods of three-dimensional images
recognition based on stochastic geometry and functional
analysis. In the collection: IOP Conference Series: Materials
Science and Engineering 10. Series “International Confer-
ence on Mechanical Engineering, Automation and Control
Systems 2016”(October 27-29, 2016).Tomsk, 2017.
11. Moiseev A., Kindaev
A.Yu.Simulation of insur-
ance risks in agriculture. Journal of Applied Engineering
Science. 2015. Vol. 13. No. 4. Pp. 257-264.
12. Samygin D., Baryshnikov N., Vinnichek L., Gla-
sunov I. Strategic models of optimization of support of
farmers. Ponte. 2017. Vol. 73. No. 4. Pp. 146-157.
About the authors:
Lyubov B. Vinnichek,
doctor of economic sciences, professor, head of the department of organization and informatization of production,
http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6127-7201, Scopus ID: 57195234144, Researcher ID: F-1187-2017,
l_vinnichek@mail.ruAlexander Yu. Pavlov,
candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, head of the department of economics and management,
http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3734-0183, Scopus ID: 56149065900, Researcher ID: C-4781-2017,
crsk@mail.ruVera N. Batova,
associate professor of the department of economics and management, ORCID:
Scopus ID: 55967410800, Researcher ID: F-1726-2016,
batova.v.n@yandex.ru l_vinnichek@mail.ruЭлектронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека