plants” (in Bulg.) etc. Some of these books several editions and the last one was
published also in Germany.
The high professionalism o f Prof. I. Assenov was the main reason for his profound
expertized knowledge. He was member of Specialised Scientific Counsils and the Higher
Attestation Commision, Expert Council for Protection of the Medicinal Plants. For
several terms he was member of the Council o f Pharmacy, the Commision of Medical
Products. He had many international admissions and participated in numerous interna
tional botanical expeditions and meetings.
Prof. Ivan Assenov was member and for a certain period o f time editor-in-chief of
the journal Pharmacia, member of the editorial board of the Annual o f the University of
Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Book 2 Botany and member o f the editorial advisory
board o f the international magazine Phytologia Balcanica.
Department ofPharmacognosy andBotany,
Faculty ofPharmacy, Medical University Sofa
Dunav 2Str
Sofia lOOQ, Bulgaria
Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека