broadly ellipsoid, unicellular, with one large oil drop, iiniseriatc in the asciis, hyaline.
Paraplivses cylindrical, apex clavale. up to 5-10 pm wide, equal or slightly longer than
On soil in poplar lorcsl, River Strouma (Skrmski Prolom locality). 25.04.2004, leg.
D. 'Sloyanov. SOMF 25 60.1
HeheHa cost{[era
N a n it f. Index of Fungi. 2. p, 384. 1053.
Apolhecia superficial, single, cup-shaped, stalked; disk 3-4 cm in diameter, deeply
concave with incised margin and dirty gray hymenium; outside pubescent, above
concolourous with hymeuium, below gradually becoming wiiilish; stalk short. 1-1.2 x
0,5-O.S cm with blunt, white to cream ribs. Asci 250-320 x 15-17.5 pm, cylindrical,
apex rounded, blunt, not blued by iodine, 8-spored. Ascospores 20 x 12.5 pm, broadly
ellipsoid, unicellular, with one large oil drop, umserialc in the ascus, hyaline. Paraplivses
cylindrical, apex clavate, up to 7.5-10 pm wide.
On soil. Western Balkan Mts (near the Kom Chalet), 12.06.2003, SOMF 25 610.
Peziza vana
(H e d w.) F r., Syst. Mycol., 2. p. 61, 1822.
Apolhecia superficial, single, on stern 1.6 cm long, gradually widening into the
cup; disk 1.4 cm in diameter, deep concave with even, involute margin and brown
hymenium; outside white or whitish-brown. Asci 260-300 x 11—12.5 pm, cylindrical,
apex rounded, ascus pore blued bv iodine, 8-spored, Ascospores 15-17.5 x 7.5-9 ptu.
ellipsoid, sinoot. unicellular, uniscriate in the ascus. hyaline. Paraplivses septate with
strong inflated lower or middle cells (up to 20 pm wide according Dennis, 1978); apical
cells slender, tips slightly clavale. up to 5 pm wide.
On soil in beech forest, Vilosha region (Vitosha Mt. around the Dmgalcvski
Vodopad locality), 12.07.2001, leg. M. Gyosheva, SOMF 25 570,
Hypodenna commune
(F r.) D u b y. Mem. Soc. Rhys. <&Hist. Nat. Geneve. 16(1). p. 53.
Apolhecia at first immersed in plant tissue, later ennupenk superficial, sessile,
scattered, cup-shaped, 0.3-0.6 cm in diameter, with white hymenium and black recap-
tacle. Asci 77.5-95 x 5 pm, cyjindric-clavalc, apex rounded, ascus pore not blued by
iodine, 8-spored. Ascospores 17.5-22.5 x (4.5-) 5 pm, ellipsoid, unicellular, straight or
slightly curved, with 3-5 oil guttules, hyaline. Paraplivses numerous, filiform, up to I pm
On dry stem o f herbaceous plant. Western Rhodopi Mts (Beglika reserve).
21.05.1977, leg. V. Fakirova, SOMF 25 343.
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