G en ista c a n n o lis
G rs b .. FiVl-74. SC (t). Pa v1о va ); $ 0 -
West Fromicr Mountains, Vkihina Mountain. Murd/.ova clmka locality, souih-
casleni slope. 780 m a.s.L on serpentines, with fruits. 14. об. 2004.
The species area includes (he eastern part of the Balkan peninsula (Tulin el al
In Bulgaria the laxon is reported for the following llorislic regions: Black Sea
coast (Southern).. Slant Planiua Mountain (Central). Sofia region. Vitosha region.
Western Frontier Mountains. Belasitza Mountain. Slnyjankn Mountain. Piriu Mountain.
Rila Mountain, Srcdna Gora Mountain. Rhodopes Mountains, Thracian plain, Tundza
hilly region and Stnindza Mountain (Кожуха ров. 1992). Дслипавлов. Чсшмсджпсв
(2003) point out the absence from the Struma valley despite the available herbar
specimen SOA 39463 cited later by Banchcva. Delcheva (2004) as a new chomlogicat
information. The latter authors did not refer to the herbar specimen in SOM-160447;
116364; 116363: 116362; I 16365 and SO-9430S,
Suhmediterrancan geoelement (Димитров <ред.к 2001).
5720. 23140.5130,
O n ob rych is a lba
(W a ld st. et K it) Desv. ssp.
(W a n -d a s ) P. W. B a ll, FM-74, SC (D. P a v lo v a ); SO -103033
West Frontier Mountains, Vlahinn Mountain. Murdz.ova clmka locality, south
eastern slope, 780 m a.s.l.. on serpentines, with fruits. 14. 06. 2004,
The area of the species includes the central part of the Balkan peninsula (Tulin et
af, 1968).
This taxon is not considered within the species variation by Кожухаров (1976).
This makes problematic to define more precisely its chorology. The detailed chorological
information presented by Кожуха ров (1992) is enriched with the florist ic regions
Mesta valley and the Rhodopes Mountains (Дел иПавлов. Чсшмсджпсв. 2003). in
the botanical literature data is available for the distribution in the West Frontier
Mountains (Bonm ilJer, 1888). However, this information was not indicated in the
chorology о f the species.
This plant is reported For the first lime on serpentine areas in Bulgaria and for the
florist ic region West Frontier Mountains.
Balkan endemic subspecies Grenter et al.( 1989).
8220. 35150.7740.
Th folium scab rum
L. subsp,
scab rum ,
FM-74, SC (D.
P a v lo v a ); SO -103036
West Frontier Mountains. Vlabina Mountain. Murdzova clmka locality, south
eastern slope, 780 m a.s.l., on serpentines, with fruits, 14. 06. 2004.
The area of the species includes dry habitats in Southern and Western Europe,
reaching Scotland to the north (Tulin el al., 1968).
The species is reported for the following Horislic regions: Black Sea coast, North-
Eastern Bulgaria, Danube plain. Balkan foothill region, Znepole region, Struma valley,
Mcsla valley. Rhodopes Mountains (Central), Thracian plain, Tund/a hilly region and
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