The taxon is reported for the first lime for Vlahina Mountain and for serpentine
areas in the country.
Balkan endemic (Димитров (ред.), 2001).
1730. 08400.
C era siium pitm iUum
Curt., FM-74, SC (D. Pavlova); SO-
West Frontier Mountains, Vlahina Mountain.. Murdzova chuka locality, south
east cm slope, 750 m a.s.l, on serpentines, with fruits, .14. 06. 2004,
The species was reported for the floristic region West Frontier Mountains
(Петрова, 1992). Nevertheless, we consider it as necessary to point out its find on
serpentine rocks for the first time.
The species area covers the largest part of Europe with some exceptions to the
north and east (Tm in et a)., 1996).
The species is reported for the following floristic regions: North-Eastern Bulgaria,
Stara Plauina Mountain, Znepole region, West Frontier Mountains, Rila Mountain,
Rhodopes Mountains (Central), (Петрова, 1992), Mesta valley and Lozen Mountain
(Sredna Gora Mountain) (Делипавлов, Чешм еджиев (ред.), 2003). The floristic
region Struma valley is not included in the chorological information despite die presence
of a herbar specimen SOM-159G15.
Euromediterranean geoelement (Димитров (ред.), 2001),
M o en ch ia g ra e c a
B o iss. et Heldr., FM-74, SC (D. P av lo
va); SO-103028
West Frontier Mountains, Vlahina Mountain, Murdzova chuka locality, south
eastern slope, 750 m a.s.l., on serpentines, with fruits. 14. 06. 2004.
The species area includes the eastern and southern parts o f the Balkan peninsula
and the Aegean islands (Tulin et a l, 1996).
The species is reported for the following floristic regions: Pirin Mountain
(Southern). Rhodopes Mountains (Eastern), Thracian plain, Tundza hilly region and
Strandza Mountain, up to 600 m a.s.l (Делипавлов и др. 1983, 1992; Петрова,
On the basis o f earlier monographs А сен о в (1966) indicated a wider distribution
including the Balkan foothill region. Western Rhodopes and Vitosha Mt.
The information was subsequently specified (Д елипавлов, Ч ешм еджиев,
2003) by adding the floristic region Slavjanka Mt.
The distribution in the West Frontier Mountains was doubled despite the presence
of herbar sheets SO-99036, SOM-154778 and the information provided by Китанов и
др.(1987). The floristic region Struma valley was added to the chomlogy of the species
(D im itrov , P av lova , 2000).
The taxon is reported for the first time for Vlahina Mountain and for serpentine
areas in the country.
Вalkan endemiс (Д имитров Сред.), 2001).
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