Fig. 1.
Asplemum lepidum
C. P resl,
- General view;
2 -
Fronds with sporangia.
It is evaluated as ‘'critically endangered" in the project Red Lists funded by the Ministry
o f Environment and Protection and realized by the Institute of Botany at the Bulgarian
Academy o f Sciences.
The new locality in the floristic region Danube plain is the second one for the
country. It confirms the distribution o f the species 32 year alter the publication of the
chorological data by Велчев (1971) for the Vratza Mountain (village Stojanovo, FN-99,
SOM 157583) that were not taken into account in The Red Data Book of Bulgaria,
The distribution
of Asplenium lepidum
in the new locality is rather restricted The
population comprises a small number of individuals growing on the sunny, lighted part of
a rocky niche where the species
Pahetanct hisitanica
L. is also found.The fem is a highly
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