The plant material collected was determined according to Flora of PR Bulgaria
(Й орданов (ред.), 1963-1995) and Flora Europaea (Turin ed., 1965-1980). The
herbar specimens are kept in the Herbarium of Sofia University (SO). The plant
nomenclature follows Opredelitel na Vishite Rastenija v Balgarija (Кожухаров (ред.),
1992) and Flora of PR Bulgaria.
P silu ru s incurvus
(Gouan) Sch iuz et T h e ll., FM-74, SC
(D. Pavlova); SO-103 038
West Frontier Mountains. Vlahiua Mountain, Murdzova chuka locality, south
eastern slope, 750 m a.s.L on serpentines, with fruits, 14. 06. 2004.
The species area includes open dry habitats in Southern Europe (Tutin et al.,
In Bulgaria the taxon is known for the following floristic regions: Black Sea coast,
Danube plain. Balkan foothill region (Central), Sofia region, Znepole region, Struma
valley, Mesta valley, Sredna Gora Mountain (Western), Rhodopes Mountains (Eastern),
Thracian plain and Tuudza hilly region (Кожухаров, 1992). Делипавлов и др.
(1983, 1992) do not provide details on the chorologv of the species and indicate the
whole territory' of the country'. Later on the species was reported for Belasitza Mountain
(D im itrov , P a v lo v a , 2000) and for Slrandza Mountain (Делипавлов, Чсшме-
джиев (ред.), 2003),
The species forms mosaic populations on serpentine terrains with eroded ultra-
basic rocks and thin soil.
Submedilernmean geoelement.
K o e le ria siтонка ii
Adam., FM-74, SC (D. Pavlova); SO-
West Frontier Mountains, Vlahina mountain, Murdzova chuka locality, south
eastern slope, 750 m a.s.L on serpentines, with fruits, 14. 06. 2004.
In Bulgaria the taxon is known for the following floristic regions: Black Sea coast
(Central), North-Eastern Bulgaria, Balkan foothill region, Slara Planina Mountain
(Eastern), Sofia region, Struma valley, Mesta valley, Rila Mountain, Sredna Gora
Mountain. Rhodopes Mountains (Western, Eastern), Thracian plain, Tundza hilly region
and Slrandza Mountain up to 1300 m a.s.J. (Кож ухаров , 1992). Slavjanka Mountain,
and Pirin Mountain are excluded although the species was reported for these mountains
by Кожухаров и др. (1988).
Делипавлов, Чешмеджиев (2003) add the floristic region Pirin Mountain, but
again Slavjanka Mountain is not included.
According to К ожухаров и др. (1988) the species grows in rock fissures, screes,
sunny herb and shrubby places, on both siliceous and limestone basic rock.
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