about the number of endemics growing in such areas. A primary floristic analysis is
indispensable in order to prove the origin and specificity of this flora on a given territory
and its relation to similar floras in other parts o f the Balkan Peninsula.
The interest in the serpentine flora in Bulgaria is provoked also by the fact that the
serpentine rocks are of rather ancient origin (Кож ухарова, 1984
a, 6
; 1985) and as a
consequence the metamorphic processes have resulted in a greater variety of their
chemical nature and hence on the flora and vegetation.
Until now, the serpentines in the southwestern part of the country have not been
investigated. The flora and vegetation of Vlahina Mountain was sporadically studied
focused mainly on new floristic finds. Китанов и др. (1987) reported new chorological
data for 80 plants growing in the Western Frontier Mountains (Vlaliina, Maleshevska,
The present paper is part of a research project aimed at the investigation o f the
serpentine flora in the mountains of southwestern Bulgaria
The site of investigation is the serpentine body in the area of Stara Zeleznitsa
village, Blagoevgrad district. It is located in the foothills of Vlahina Mountain, the peak
Murdzova chuka. The serpentines are included in a pre-Cambrian crystalline complex
with an area of 150 dka. The average steepness o f the eastern slopes is 8-13 °C while the
displacement is between 700 and 750 m a.s.l. The main mountain slope is east-orientated
and the serpentine ridge is included in a secondary ridge with an south-eastern exposure
(Мишев идр., 1989).
The climate of Vlahina Mountain is transitional between continental and
submediterranean, characterized by an increase of precipitation in autumn-winter. The
mean annual temperature is 9 °C (Мишев и др., 1989).
According to the geobotanical division of Bulgaria (Б он д ев , 2002) the study area
falls between the Balkan Province (Vlahina region) and Macedonian-Thracian Province
(Blagoevgrad region). The serpentine terrains are included in the oak xerothermic
vegetation belt (Велчев и др., 1982), The modem vegetation is characterized by the
prevailance of oak forests
(Quercus daleshampii
) mixed with
Q. virgiliana
These forests are heavily destructed at many places and replaced by secondary
in origin coppice woods, shrubs and herb vegetation.
The vegetation of Blagoevgrad region is characterized by remnants of oak forests
composed of
Quercus pubeseens
O, virgiliana,
more rarely o f
0. frainetto
Carpinus orientalis,
shrubs of
Junipenis oxveedrus
Palitints spina-chrisii.
In the
northern parts are found xerothermic plant communities composed of
grvllus, Dischantium isebaemum
Poa bulbosa
, etc.
The serpentine body is located at the boundary between the floristic regions West
Frontier Mountains and Struma valley. This is a prerequisite for the appearance of
elements characteristic for both floristics regions. In this case the chorological
information is presented for both regions.
The transects are related to quadrant FM-74 from the UTM grid map of Bulgaria
(scale 1:1 500 000, Fig. 1).
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