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Аграрная наука Евро-Северо-Востока, №5(60), 2017 г.

3. Шатнюк Л.Н., Коденцова В.М., Вржесин-

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4. Шапошников И.И. Оценка объема и

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2010. №1. С. 12-14.

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6. Сурмач Э.М., Кузнецова Л.И. Повышение

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2014. №1. С. 25-28.

7. КузнецоваЛ.И.,СурмачЭ.М. Использование

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8. Скурихин И.М., Тутельян В.А. Таблицы

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10. Химический состав пищевых продуктов.

Кн. 2: Справочные таблицы содержания амино-

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Flour confectionery products of increased nutritional value

Lapteva N.K.,

PhD in agriculture, senior researcher, head of laboratory,

Mitkinykh L.V.,

process enqineer

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia

Studies on design of scientific and technological documentation for new flour confectionary with increased

nutritional value are conducted in North-East Agricultural Research Institute. High attention is paid to using of rye raw

material (rye flour and malt) for full or partial substitution of wheat flour with the purpose of broadening of production

assortment. It is linked with the fact that rye has the lowest calories content of grain and products of its processing

among all cereal crops, and contents much more minerals, microelements, vitamins, and fibers. Its grain contents more

essential amino acids than wheat has. Raw materials of other cereal crops along with oil crops are used in new receipts

too for heightening of these foodstuffs. Among new products there are documentations for cake “Osenny”, biscuit rolls

“Niva” with jam and “Niva” with fruit butter, biscuits “Debyut”, “Stimul”, and “Trio”. New flour confectionaries are

differed from existing analogues by heightened (by 23.1…155.6%) content of fibers and lowered (by 1.8…20.8%)

energy value. Cake “Osenny”, rolls “Niva” with jam and “Niva” with fruit butter, biscuits “Trio” have high content

of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are important for man health. Cake “Osenny” has 3.16 g of these acids per 100 g

while its industrial analogue (cake “Sportivny”) has as low as twice content of polyunsaturated acids – 1.53 g / 100

g. Using of rye raw material in production of new confectionary will allow to broad assortment of foodstuff with high

nutritional value, to lower cost of raw materials for production, to lower energy potential of diet that is important for

rational health type of nutrition of modern human.

Key words


flour confectionary, rye flour, rye malt, nutrition value


1. Savenkova T.V.

Proizvodstvo funktsional’nykh

konditerskikh izdeliy – problemy i puti ikh resheniya


[Production of functional confectionary – problems and

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Konditerskoe i khlebopekarnoe


. 2012. no. 7. pp. 6-8.

2. Chubenko N.T., Kostyuchenko M.N., Kindra


Voprosy osvoeniya proizvodstva funktsional’nykh

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. [Problems of mastering of

functional bakery goods’ production].



. 2012. no. 3. pp. 4-6.

3. Shatnyuk L.N., Kodentsova V.M., Vrzhesinskaya


Khleb i khlebobulochnye izdeliya kak istochnik i nos-

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. [Bread and bakery

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4. Shaposhnikov I.I.

Otsenka ob”ema i struktu-

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. 2010. no. 1. pp. 12-14.

5. Chubenko N.T.

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. [Confectionaries within bak-

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. 2015. no. 1. pp. 44.

6. Surmach E.M., Kuznetsova L.I.

Povyshenie pish-

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. [Increasing of cake’s nutritional val-


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. 2014. no. 1. pp. 25-28.

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. 2014. no. 1 pp. 60-61.

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Chto est’ khleb?

[What does

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Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека