Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №1 (29), I кв. 2018
Studies have been conducted on 340 animals in the Vologda region. At the age of
10 days for each breeding heifer the time required for feeding a single portion of milk
was determined by timekeeping during 3 adjacent days. According to the methodology
4 groups of animals differing in food activity were formed: infrapassive, passive, active,
and ultraactive. In the compared groups of heifers in the context of the main breeding
periods at the age of 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 months indicators of live weight, its absolute
growth, relative growth energy and average daily gains have been studied. It has
been found that young animals with high food activity at the initial stage of growing,
eventually have intensive metabolism and greater live weight. Active and ultraactive
animals compared to infrapassive and passive, at the age of 3-6, 9-12, and 15-18
months in average, respectively, exceed the target live weight by 24.7, 13.3 and 9.2%.
Infrapassive and passive in their relation to food animals have an inherent tendency
to leveling the noted difference, but full compensation in the development with age in
them does not occur. Subsequently exterior evaluation based on key measurements
and indices of body built has been held. The study of the measurements shows that
ultraactive animals, compared to infrapassive, have 2.5% wider and 8.2% deeper chest,
their diagonal length of the body is 3.4% greater, with the index of format increased by
2.8%.Thus, animals with high food activity form the milk type of the body when they
become mature. The index of feeding activity in heifers at the initial stage of growing
can successfully predict the parameters of their further growth and development.
Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека