Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №1 (29), I кв. 2018
Bioenergy of animals, as a branch of physiology and diagnostics, is currently of
special interest in veterinary practice, since most animal diseases are caused by an
imbalance in energy metabolism. It is known that in nature energy exists in the form
of electromagnetic waves, on which the well-known zhen-chiu therapy originating from
China is based. The method is more than 40 centuries old. But if in China the method is
recognized as regulating the body energy balance, in the traditional European medical
and veterinary practice, the introduction of acupuncture was characterized by the
development of a new reflex theory, based on the theory of nervism. There is one link
that is common to all theories. This is the acupuncture point. The acupuncture point
can be considered both as the beginning of the reflex arc functioning and as the energy
input-output area of the body in animals and men. Estimating the acupuncture point
as the energy input-output area predetermined implementing a research on recording
electrophysiological indicators in the acupuncture point zone. Studying the young cattle
bioenergy potential in thescapula and shoulder area in connection with the age of animals
has revealed the regularity of the undulating biopotential growth in animals aged 1 to 12
months. From the data obtained during the research it can be concluded that during this
period of life the organism of young cattle undergoes a number of significant changes in
both morphological, physical and bioenergy development. Biopotential changes at the
above mentioned points can be used by veterinarians to determine the pathology of the
limbs in the early stages of diseases before the development of clinical signs.
Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека