Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №1 (29), I кв. 2018
индексу резистентности в 1,31 раза. Отбор ремонтных свинок по новым индексам
резистентности имел положительный результат.
In 2015, two groups of animals have been formed in the Oktyabr’skiy district, the
Rostov region. The first group has consisted of 12 two-year old sows of a large white
breed. The second group has been presented by their offsprings. The reproductive
qualities of sows have been studied. A complex assessment of the natural resistance
level has been carried out and individual resistance indices have been determined. The
interconnection between resistance factors and their relationship to productivity have
been studied by correlation analysis. The studies have shown a relationship between
the reproductive qualities and the natural resistance of sows: in the first days after
farrowing, the nest weight has been greater in low-resistant sows, but by the time of
weaning, the number and weight of piglets have been higher in highly resistant sows.
Multifetation affects the resistance of the sow negatively. High productivity causes the
decrease in resistance. By the end of the suckling period, there is a direct relationship
between the sows’ resistance indices and the live weight of piglets they feed. The
correlation coefficients between the resistance index and the nest weight change from
negative values to positive ones. To validate the possibility of selecting pigs according
to the resistance indices and evaluating its effectiveness, resistance indices have been
determined for the same animals at different ages. Of the 12 gilts of a large white
breed, the six ones have been included in the highly resistant group and the other six
gilts - in the low-resistant group. The groups have been formed at the age of 30 days.
According to the resistance index, the advantage of the highly resistant group has been
by 1.24 times over the low-resistance group at this age. By the age of two years old,
the animals of the first group also exceeded by 1.31 times the low-resistance group
according to the resistance index. Selecting replacement gilts by new resistance indices
has had a positive result.
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