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Productivity and quality of a lawn grass stand are largely due to plant density,

which is associated with the rate and timing of mineral



early summer period of 2012 in the conditions of Nikolsk, the Vologda Region the

experiment on studying biological and economic characteristics of lawn grasses and

the dynamics of lawn grass stands formation was laid. The soil of the research plot

is medium sod podzolic, cultivated with the average organic matter content of 3.52

% with slightly acidic reaction (pH Salt - 5.3). The content of mobile phosphorus and

exchange potassium is high (Р




- 178 mg / kg, К


О - 186 mg / kg of soil). The

experiment includes 5 options laid down in 4-fold repetition. Experimental options are

presented by the following types of meadow plants: Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis),

red fescue (Festuca rubra), common bentgrass (Agrostis vulgaris), common bluegrass

(Poa trivialis); meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis). One of the objectives of the study

was to develop thefertilizer application system for lawn herbages depending on their

species composition. To make recommendations on the doses of fertilizer application

while sowing lawn grass the method of elemental balance was used.During the tests the

nutrient removal by surface and underground organs of lawn plants in the whole during

the growing season, and separately for each period of mowinghas been determined. As

a result of the researchit has been stated thatfor the formation and sustainability of high

quality grass stand during the growing season it is necessary to apply fertilizer in the

following doses: nitrogen - 25-35 g/m


, phosphorus - 8-15 g/m


, potassium - 22-35 g/

m2, ornitrogen - 2.5-3.5 kg/100 m


, phosphorus - 0.8-1.5 kg/100 m


, and potassium-

2.5-3.5 k /100 m


. The doses of fertilizers are distributed fairly evenly according to the

mowing periods: on average 35, 33 and 32 %, respectively.

Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №1 (21), I кв. 2016



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