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One of the main factors promoting effective solving the task of using the less

labor-intensive technologies for milk production is defining the genetic characteristics

of the animals, as well as selecting the optimal technology of their milking and keeping.

The causes of the disposal of the animals and the main milk productivity indices of cows

having different genotypes depending on housing method and milking technology have

been analyzed in the article. The research works were conducted on the basis of the

breeding farm JSC “State Farm Chervishevsky” of Tyumen district, Tyumen region. The

object of the research was the cows of black-and-white and Simmental breeds which

were disposed from herds. For all the evaluated periods the animals which were milked

with a robotic system in the free stall barn surpassed the cows which were kept on a

leash and milked into the pipeline with the help of milking machines.The milk yield,

the amount of milk fat and protein on average for 305 days of maximum lactation in

the cows of the 1st group were higher than in the 2nd and 3rd groups, respectively:

in milk yield - by 611.0 and 1.233.0 kg; in fat - by 17.7 and 37.2 kg; in protein - 16.4

and 39.8 kg. Along with this, in the cows kept in the free stall barn the limb diseases

caused culling more often than in other groups of animals under study.  The cows of

black-and-white breed kept in the free stall barn and milked with a robotic system

surpassed Simmental cows kept under similar conditions in all milk productivity indices

(except the protein content of milk). Furthermore the cows of Simmental breed were

more often culled due to respiratory diseases, pericarditis, and infectious diseases.

Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №1 (21), I кв. 2016



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