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увеличивается на 49 %. В целях значительного повышения показателей молоч-

ной продуктивности коров айрширской породы наряду с традиционными методами

ступенчатого отбора племенных животных рекомендуется проводить селекцию по

сумме этологических индексов.


In the Vologda region the influence of ethological indexes on the milk productivity

of Ayrshire breed cows at the level of milk yield exceeding 7000 kg during 305 days

of lactation has been studied in animals kept year-round in stables. Observations of

109 dairy cows being in the second lactation by the chronometer method of elementary

behaviour acts with an interval of 10 minutes within three adjacent days on the 12-

hour program have been carried out. During the analysis of animals’ behavior the

indexes of food (IPA), motion (IDA) and total activity (IOA) have been calculated. In

the study groups of cows on level of milk production with decreased and increased

ethological activity including infrapassive, passive, active and ultra-active ones have

been compared. The results of the study show that the most important ethological

indexes can be successfully used as the signs of selection. Selection of cows on

ethological individuality is accompanied by a growth in their milk production. Animals

with a high food activity, compared with a low one, have got a 686 kg higher milk yield

(+9.9 %) for 305 days of lactation. The number of milk fat increases by 34.6 kg (+1.9

%), milkiness coefficient increases by 122.1 kg (+8.9 %). The total number of milk

protein increases by 30.0 kg (+12.2 %). Increasing of the fat in milk in favor of active

animals is 0.06% (+1.4 %), and of protein content is 0.08 % (+2.3 %). By cows of

Ayrshire breed, characterized by a high index of motion activity, the difference in yield

per lactation is higher and amounts to 115 kg (+1.6 %) by increasing the fat content in

milk by 0.15 % (+3.6 %).The most highly productive animals in food relation are ultra-

active ones, productivity of which increases by 49 % opposed to infrapassive ones.

In order to increase milk productivity of Ayrshire breed cows significantly along with

traditional methods of breeding animal stepwise selection is recommended to carry out

selection on the sum of ethological indexes.

Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №1 (21), I кв. 2016



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