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проведенных комплексных исследований позволяют сделать заключение, что при-

менение в питании телят в молочный период суспензии хлореллы положительно

отразилось на их росте, что объясняется повышением их среднесуточных приро-

стов, способствовало улучшению их пищевой активности (увеличились затраты

времени на потребление кормов и жвачку), увеличению плотности инфузорий в 1

мл рубцовой жидкости, оптимизации отдельных биохимических показателей кро-



The 100-day’s experiment has been made on yield heifers of black-and white

breed in winter 2014-2015 at Dairy Complex of the Vologda Region. Care, keeping

and feeding conditions have been the same. Two yield heifers groups (17 heads per

each group) have been selected according to the principle of pairs-analogues (age-58

days, life mass-74 kg). Cows of the experimental group have received in addition to

main diet (cereal hay, mixed fodder and milk) chlorella suspension (0.5kg) during a

month. Chlorella suspension is a light green liquid with dry matter (1.5 %). It has been

noticed that yield heifers of the experimental group eat more cereal hay and mixed

fodder (by 12.5 % and 6.3 % accordingly). We can explain high average daily gain of

cows in both groups by feeding yield heifers with mixed fodder, good care and keeping

conditions. But it has been found that yield heifers gain in the experimental group has

increased by 6.8 % during the 1-st month and by 6.3 % during the 2-nd month. The

population of rumen ciliates in both groups are the same but the rumen of calves in

the experimental group is characterized by the greatest protists’ density (415000.2

specimen\ ml and 145000.5 specimen\ ml). The difference is highly reliable (р ≥ 0,95)

in favor of the calves fed by chlorella suspension. Animal blood proteins is 6.8-7.2

g\l what normal is. Increased amount of gamma-globulin has been noticed by yield

heifer in the experimental group (28 %). Sugar content is higher than normal in both

groups (83 mg% and 60 mg%). Reserve alkalinity is 43-46 vol.% СО2, calcium – 9

mg% phosphorus 7.7 and 6.7 mg%, potassium 3.9-4.6 mmol\l. The results of complex

studies let make a conclusion that chlorella suspension use in feeding yield heifer

of black-and white breed in milk period growth has a positive impact on growth of

animals. Growth is manifested in increasing average daily gain, improving food activity

(feed intake and chewing time has also increased), ciliates density increasing (per 1ml

rumen liquid), optimization of some biochemical blood parameters.

Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №1 (21), I кв. 2016



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