the stability and safety o f most preserved foods is based on the application o f
several preservation methods used in combinations, and this is true for foods o f
industrialized as well as of developing countries. More recetly, the underlying
principles o f the traditional food preservation methods have been defined (i.e., F,
t, aw, pH, Eh, competitive flora, various preservatives), and effective limits o f these
factors for microbial growth, survival, and death were established. Food
preservation and also food quality depend in most cases on the empirical and now
more often on the deliberate and intelligent application of combined preservative
factors, i.e. on so-called hurdle technology. It also became obvious that future
food preservation methods (i.e. the pulsed technologies, as well as irradiation) are
most effective in combination with additional hurdles. Thus, hurdle technology is
also the key o f food preservation in the future. Furthermore, basic aspects o f hurdle
technology (i.e. homeostasis, metabolic exhaustion, and stress reactions o f
microorga-nisms as well as multitarget preservation of food) have been recognized
to be o f fundamental importance for food preservation and are increasingly studied
in relation to hurdle technology.
Different aspects of improvements o f traditional foods and in the development
o f novel foods via hurdle technology have been covered recently in numerous
articles and book chapters. However, the book “Hurdle Technologies: Combination
Treatments for Food Stablity, Safety and Quality” is the first work on hurdle
technology in which all aspects, the possibilities and limitations o f hurdle
technology as well as the theoretical background, are comprehensively outlined
and evaluated (Leistner & Gould, 2002). This book has been published in 2002 by
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, USA.
Predictive Microbiology (PM)
Use of predictive mathematical models, which forcast with aid of computers, the
behaviour of microorganisms in foods, has attracted much attention in the last decade,
especially in relation to food safety. Earlier models (e.g. for inactivation o f
microorganisms by heat) have been inactivation models. It is only in the last decades
that models have been developed for the growth of microorganisms in foods. These
kinetic growth models have targeted the major food poisoning microorganisms and
effects of the most common factors for food preservation (i.e., storage temperature,
pH, aw, and few preservatives). Since in many foods preservative factors (hurdles) are
active that are not (yet) covered by predictive microbiology the answers received with
the available models are often too conservative (“fail/safe”). Furthermore, these kinetic
models are of importance mainly for chilled foods with limited shelflives, but they are
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