highly trendy. Healthful foods, such as those with little fat and salt or no chemical
preservatives, but with pro-biotics, are demanded. All in all, food-stuffs should be
“fresh, natural, tasty, healthful and possibly functional”. Foods shall undergo a
low process severity, thus should be minimally processed.
Advanced food processing must improve the safety of foods, in spite of
minimally processed products, i.e. should secure the total quality o f foods.
International concepts which are helpful to achieve this goal are: Hazard Analysis
Critical Control Point (HACCP); quantilatLveJjaod Manufacturing-Practice
(GMP); Hurdle Technologies (HT); PredtctLveJMicmhiolQgy (PM). Pre-requisite
for the successful application of each one o f these concepts is the well-founded
knowledge o f quantitative features in food preservation, thus on the influence o f
hygiene, storage temperature, storage time, F value, pH value, awvalue, Ehvalue,
preservatives as well as the competitive flora on the microbiological safety and
the sensoric quality of food-stufFs. In most traditional and new food-stuffs these
factors (hurdles) are not active alone but in combination. Moreover, the successful
use o f the four concepts requires good knowledge o f traditional and future
preservation processes, such as heating, salting, drying, canning, refrige-ration,
freezing on the one hand, and potential application o f novel “pulsed technologies”
such as high hydrostatic pressure, pulsed electric fields, high-intensity pulsed light,
oscillating magnetic fields, on the other hand. These future preservation techniques
are best applied in combination with traditional processes (such as heating), and
thus hurdle technologies also play a decisive role in the novel food preservation.
During the last decade, the four concepts mentioned have produced good
results, not in the least because they have been supported by research programs
launched by the European Community (EU). At the same time, however, also
their possibilities and limitations have been revealed, which are important to know
for a successful applications o f these concepts.
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
HACCP was first used for the generation o f nuclear energy, in the chemical
industry and by NASA (“no man on the moon without HACCP”). Since 1973 this
concept is recommended in USA for food processing, and in 1990 the EU became
interested. In USA and also in the EU, because ofthe Directive 93/43/ECC, HACCP
is now mandatory for large and small food manufacturers, increasingly for retailers
and food service establishments. HACCP demands that not only the final product
is controlled but the entire production process, because then hazards for the safety
of the products are prevented in due time. This principle meets general approval.
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