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Аграрная наука Евро-Северо-Востока, №6(61), 2017 г.

Список литературы

1. Dreyfuss G., Vignoles P., Rondelaud D.


ciola hepatica

: the infectivity of cattle-origin miracid-

ia had increased over the past years in central France

// Parasitology Research. 2007. Vol. 101. № 4. Рp. 1157-1160.

2. Ristic Z.A., Zuko A., Cutuk R., Saljic E., Apic E.,

Bozic D., Stojcevic D. Infestation with small (



) and large fluke (

Fasciola hepatica

) in deer hunting

ground of special nature reserve “Gornje podunavlje” // MESO:

The first Groatian meat journal . 2012. Vol. 14. № 6. P. 496-501.

3. Горохов В.В., Осетров В.С. Моллюскоциды и их

применение в сельском хозяйстве. М.: Колос, 1978. 224 с.

4. Ненашев Р.А., Калиниченко С.А., Яночкин И.В.

Влияние различных видов кормов на содержание тяжёлых

металлов в рационе и молоке коров // Зоотехническая нау-

ка Белоруссии. 2006. Т. 41. С. 272-277.

5. Шкуратова И.А., Донник И.М., Верещак Н.А.

Накопление тяжёлых металлов у крупного рогатого скота

в онтогенезе в условиях техногенного загрязнения // Аграр-

ная наука Евро-Северо-Востока. 2008. № 11. С. 200-203.

6. Matsumoto Y., Kinouchi R., Kabeya M.,

Hara M., Ohnishi H., Morisawa M., Sawada Н., Miyamo-

to T. Chronic copper poisoning in Suffolk ewes at the peri-

natal period // J. Japan Veter. Med. Assn. 2014. Vol. 67.

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М.: Медицина, 2005. 832 с.

8. Lim R.R., Rink K.J., Hass H.J., Soage-Echague E. A

method for the walecation of cumulation and subchronic medi-

an effective // Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 1961. V. 130. P. 335-353.

9. Методические рекомендации по сбору и обра-

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10. Методические рекомендации по сбору и обра-

ботке материалов при гидробиологических исследовани-

ях на пресноводных водоемах. Бентос. Л., 1984. С. 3-51.

11. Орлов Б.Н. Ядовитые животные и растения

СССР. М.: Высшая школа, 1990. 272 с.

12. Горчаков В.В. Средство пастбищной профилак-

тики фасциолёза // Аграрная наука Евро-Северо-Востока.

2007. № 10. С. 80-84.

Molluscicidal properties of the common oak

Gorchakov V.V.,

PhD in biology, leading researcher,




PhD in veterinary, deputy director on scientific work

Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Scientific Research Veterinary Institute of Non-Chernozem

Zone of the Russian Federation», Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

High morbidity of animals creates a potential risk of further deterioration of epizootic situation on fasciolosis. To devastate

mollusks and to break the biological cycle of

Fasciola hepatica

the most affordable molluscicide is bluestone (copper sulphate), which

is highly toxic against grazing animals, aquatic organisms and vegetation. The aim of the current study was to investigate molluscicidal

activity of the common oak against freshwater mollusks of the family Lymnaeidae as intermediate hosts for trematodes – dangerous

for agricultural animals. Researches were conducted in the laboratory and farms of the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2015-2017. A drug

was prepared from the common oak and tested for molluscicidal properties in experiments on pastures. Preliminary laboratory studies

revealed the harmlessness of this drug. According to the classification of toxic substances by GOST 12.1.007-76 it is classified as a

hazard class IV “low-risk substances”. It was established that the oak powder at a dose of 10 g/l caused the death of 8-17% lower crus-

taceans (

Daphnia, Cyclops

), 5-10% of benthos (oligochaetes, chironomides), but after 15-17 days their number is restored. The drug

did not cause burns in wetland plants and disintegrated within 7-8 days. Field experiments showed that the introduction of the drug into

biotopes of mollusks on pastures at a dose of 10.0 g/l during 5 days of exposure caused the death of 100% of mollusks and 94% of their

egg clutches. Maximal molluscididal activity of the drug was observed at the water temperature 26.5-28.8°C; lowering the temperature

to 15.8-17.4°C resulted in a decrease in its activity. It has been concluded that there is a possibility of using the oak powder as herbal

molluscicide for sanitation of pastures and cattle crossings when implementing fasciolosis control programs.

Key words:

fasciolosis, fresh water mollusks, pastures, profilaxy, herbal molluscicides, drug, common oak


1. Dreyfuss G., Vignoles P., Rondelaud D.



: the infectivity of cattle-origin miracidia had in-

creased over the past years in central France. Parasitology Re-

search. 2007. Vol. 101. no. 4. pp. 1157-1160.

2. Ristic Z.A., Zuko A., Cutuk R., Saljic E., Apic E.,

Bozic D., Stojcevic D. Infestation with small (



) and large fluke (

Fasciola hepatica

) in deer hunting

ground of special nature reserve “Gornje podunavlje”. MESO:

The first Groatian meat journal. 2012. Vol. 14. no. 6. pp. 496-501.

3. Gorokhov V.V., Osetrov V.S.

Mollyuskotsidy i ikh

primenenie v sel’skom khozyaystve

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use in agriculture]. Moscow:


, 1978. 224 p.

4. Nenashev R.A., Kalinichenko S.A., Yanochkin I.V.

Vliyanie razlichnykh vidov kormov na soderzhanie tyazhelykh

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. [Effect of different types

of feed on heavy metal content in dairy rations].


eskaya nauka Belorussii

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5. Shkuratova I.A., Donnik I.M., Vereshchak N.A.

Nakoplenie tyazhelykh metallov u krupnogo rogatogo skota

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Agrarnaya nauka Ev-


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6. Matsumoto Y., Kinouchi R., Kabeya M., Hara M.,

Ohnishi H., Morisawa M., Sawada Н., Miyamoto T. Chron-

ic copper poisoning in Suffolk ewes at the perinatal period.

J. Japan Veter. Med. Assn. 2014. Vol. 67. no. 8. pp. 587-592.


Rukovodstvo po eksperimental’nomu (doklinich-

eskomu) izucheniyu novykh farmakologicheskikh veshchestv


[Guidelines for experimental (preclinical) study on new phar-

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effective. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 1961. Vol. 130. pp. 335-353.


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11. Orlov B.N.

Yadovitye zhivotnye i rasteniya SSSR


[Poisonous animals and plants of the USSR]. Moscow:


shaya shkola

, 1990. 272 p.

12. Gorchakov V.V.

Sredstvo pastbishchnoy profilaktiki


. [A remedy of pasture prophylaxis of fasciolosis].

Agrarnaya nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka

. 2007. no. 10. pp. 80-84.

Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека