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Аграрная наука Евро-Северо-Востока, №6(61), 2017 г.

2. Кудрин А.Г. Прогнозирование молочной

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биология. 2003. № 2. С. 8-11.

3. Методы ветеринарной клинической диа-

гностики: Справочник под ред. проф. И.П. Кондра-

хина. М.: КолосС, 2004. 520 с.

4. Абонеев В.В., Скорых Л.Н., Абонеев Д.В.

Взаимосвязь уровня метаболитов крови с показате-

лями роста и развития молодняка овец разных вари-

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нарная патология. 2013. № 1. С. 83-85.

5. Квитко Ю.Д., Скокова А.В. Особенности

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шерстяное дело. 2009. № 3. С. 59-62.

6. Кирилов М.П., Виноградов В.Н., Зотеев B.C.

Показатели рубцового пищеварения и биохимический

статус крови высокопродуктивных коров при скармли-

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7. Еловиков С.Б., Менькова А.А. Метабо-

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применении новых БВМД // Зоотехния. 2007. № 1.

С. 14-16.

8. Рослый И.М., Водолажская М.Г. Сравни-

тельные подходы в оценке состояния человека и

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адаптивного характера в биохимических показате-

лях сыворотки крови // Вестник ветеринарии. 2010.

№ 3. С. 64-75.

The relationship of metabolic profile of lambs different genotypes with their growth

Zharikov Y.A.



PhD in aqriculture, senior researcher,

Kaneva L.A.




Bobretsov V.E.


, associate researcher,

Kozlova Ju.A.


, associate researcher


Federal state budgetary scientific institution the state scientific institution Scientific-research

Institute of agriculture of the Republic of Komi, Syktyvkar, Russia


Institution Federal state budgetary scientific institution Pechorskaya experimental station named

after A.V. Zhuravskogo, of Ust-Tsilemskiy district of the Komi Republic, Russia

The estimation of the metabolic profile of blood serum of purebred and crossbred young sheep in the context

of intensity of growth. The object of the research was five-month-old purebred bright Roma breed (P) and crossbred,

received in the result of crossing ewes of the Pechora breed groups sheep breed ostfriz (




П х




О), grown under the

same conditions feeding and maintenance of the Pechora experimental station. For the experience was developed four

groups of calves by 5 goals each: I (




П х




О) is a high-energy growth; II (




П х




О) – low; III (R) – high IV and

(R) – low energy growth. Group bright low energy growth taken for control. Metabolic profile sky growing bright was

characterized by the following features: the level of albumin over 45% of the total protein; A/G ratio approaches one;

the average and below average (3,3 to 5,0 mmol/l) within normal level of urea; glucose + cholesterol more than five;

the de Ritis coefficient is 1,8-2,2; high within the normal values of calcium, phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase.

Metabolic profile slow growing bright: the level of albumin less than 45% of the total protein; A/G ratio is less than

0,85; glucose and glucose + cholesterol – the lower limit of normal; the de Ritis coefficient above 2,2. Significant

differences in favor of the growing bright in intensity of protein, carbohydrate and other exchanges allow the use of

biochemical parameters of blood on the early stages of ontogenesis as a marker signs to predict the growth and the

assessment of adaptation to the conditions of detention.

Key words


breed, Pechora, Ostfriz, Roma, bright, growth, blood, substrates, enzymes, metabolism, biochem-

ical markers


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4. Aboneev V.V., Skorykh L.N., Aboneev D.V.

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podkhody v otsenke sostoyaniya cheloveka i zhivotnykh:

12. Fundamental’nye zakonomernosti adaptivnogo

kharaktera v biokhimicheskikh pokazatelyakh syvorotki


. [Comparative approaches in the assessment of

human and animal: 12. Fundamental regularities of

adaptive nature in the biochemical parameters of blood


Vestnik veterinarii

. 2010. no. 3. pp. 64-75.

Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека