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ISSN 2225-4269

Dairy Farming Journal

№1 (29), 2018

Electronic periodical theoretical and practical journal

Issued since 2011. Published 4 times a year.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Vologda State Dairy Farming

Academy by N.V. Vereshchagin

Editor in chief: Biryukov Alexander Leonidovich, Candidate of Sciences (Technics), Associate Professor of the Federal

State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education the Vereshchagin State Dairy farming Academy of


Editorial Board:

Volodina Tamara Ibraevna,

Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture), Professor, Professor of the Chemistry, Agrochemistry

and Agroecology Chair, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education the Velikiye Luki

State Agricultural Academy (Velikiye Luki)

Glamazdin Igor Gennadyevich,

Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Professor, Professor of the Veterinary Medicine

Chair, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education the Moscow State University of Food

Production (Moscow)

Darr Dietrich,

PhD, Professor of Agribusiness, University of Applied Sciences Rhine-Waal (Germany, Kleve)

Popov Vladimir Dmitrievich,

Doctor of Sciences (Technics), Professor, Academician of RAS (Russian Academy of

Sciences), scientific Director of the Federal State Budgetary Research Institution the Institute of Agroengineering

and Environmental Problems of Agricultural Production (Saint-Petersburg)

Savinykh Petr Alekseevich,

Doctor of Sciences (Technics), Professor, the chief researcher, the head of the animal

breeding mechanization laboratory, the Federal State Budgetary Research Institution the Rudnitckii Federal Agrarian

Research Center of North-East (Kirov)

Sviridenko Yuri Yakovlevich,

Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Professor, Academician of RAS (Russian Academy of

Sciences), the head of the Center for applied researches in the field of cheese and butter making the Federal State

Budgetary Research Institution the Gorbatov Federal Research Center of Food Systems (Uglich)

Titov Evgeny Ivanovich,

Doctor of Sciences (Technics), Professor, Academician of RAS (Russian Academy of

Sciences), the head of the Technology and Biotechnology of Animal Origin Foods Chair the Federal State Budgetary

Educational Institution of Higher Education the Moscow State University of Food Production (Moscow)

Kharitonov Vladimir Dmitrievich,

Doctor of Sciences (Technics), Professor, Academician of RAS (Russian Academy

of Sciences), the chief researcher, the Federal State Budgetary Research Institution the All-Russian Research Institute

of Dairy Industry (Moscow)

Choijilsuren Narangerel,

Candidate of Sciences (Technology), PhD, Assistant professor, Director of the Research

and Innovation Work, the Institute of Technology, Mongolia (Ulan-bator)

Shestakov Vladimir Mikhailovich,

Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Professor, Professor of the Zootechnics Chair, the

Kaluga Branch of the Russian State Agrarian University of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy of Moscow (Kaluga)

Editorial Staff:

Kuzin Andrey Alekseevich,

Candidate of Sciences (Technics), Professor, Pro-rector on scientific work, the Federal

State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education the Vereshchagin State Dairy Farming Academy of

Vologda (Chairman)

Ganicheva Valentina Vadimovna,

Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture), Professor, Professor of the Plant Growing, Soil

Cultivation and Agricultural Chemistry Chair, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

the Vereshchagin State Dairy farming Academy of Vologda

Gnezdilova Anna Ivanovna,

Doctor of Sciences (Technics), Professor, Professor of the Technological Equipment

Chair, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education the Vereshchagin State Dairy farming

Academy of Vologda

Kudrin Aleksandr Grigoryevich,

Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Professor, Professor of the Animal Breeding and

Biology Chair, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education the Vereshchagin State Dairy

farming Academy of Vologda

Kuznetsov Nikolay Nikolaevich,

Candidate of Sciences (Technics), Associate Professor, the Dean of the engineering

faculty, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education the Vereshchagin State Dairy Farming

Academy of Vologda

Naliuhin Aleksei Nikolaevich,

Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture), Associate Professor, Professor of the Plant Growing,

Soil Cultivation and Agricultural Chemistry Chair, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher

Education the Vereshchagin State Dairy Farming Academy of Vologda

Novikova Tatyana Valentinovna,

Doctor of Sciences (Veterinary), Professor, the Dean of the faculty of veterinary

medicine and biotechnology, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education the Vereshchagin

State Dairy Farming Academy of Vologda

Ryzhakov Albert Valer’evich,

Doctor of Sciences (Veterinary), Professor, Professor of the Inner None-infectious

Diseases, Surgery and Obstetrics Chair, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education the

Vereshchagin State Dairy Farming Academy of Vologda

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