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Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №4 (24), IV кв. 2016


Технические науки


1. Mishurov N.P., Kuzmina T.N. Energy saving equipment for microclimate in the

livestock buildings. Scientific analytical review, 2004. Available at:


2. Pchjolkin, Y.N. Ustroystvoioborudovaniedlyaregulirovaniya-mikroklimatavzhivo

tnovodcheskikhpomescheniyakh [Arrengement and equipment for the climate

control in the livestock buildings]. Мoscow: Rosselkhozizdat Publi., 1977. 216 p.

3. Yurkov V.M. Mikroklimatzhivotnovodcheskikhfermikompleksov [Microclimate of

livestock farms and complexes]. Мoscow: Rosselkhozizdat Publi., 1985. 223 p.

4. Metodicheskierekomendatsiipotechnologicheskomuproektirovaniyu-fermiko

mpleksovkrupnogorogatogoskota (RD-APC) [Methodological

recommendations on the technological design of livestock farms and cattle

breeding complexes: Management Directive for Agro-Industrial Complex].

Мoscow, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, 2011. 108 p. (in


5. Vtoryy S.V. The effect of the air temperature and dropping humidity on the

gases’ emission rate from cattle droppings. Regional’nayaehkologiya [Regional

Ecology], 2015, no. 5(40), pp. 43-45. (in Russian)

6. Vtoryy V.F. The system of milk manufacture technological monitoring on the

cattle farm. Vestnik VNIIMZH [Bulletin of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute

of Animal Husbandry Mechanization], 2012, no. 2, pp.20-25. (in Russian)

7. Vtoryy V.F., Vtoryy S.V., E.O.Lantsova. Ustroystvokontrolya-parametrovmikrokl


[The device for the microclimate characteristics control in the buildings for the

livestock animals]. Patent RF, no. 161235. Publ. 10.04.16.

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