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Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №4 (24), IV кв. 2016


Экономические науки

Assessment of the investment impact on an enterprise

(branch) economic activity on the investment strategy

development phase

(on the example of enterprises of dairy industry)

Bovykina Marina Grigor’evna, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Head of the

Accounting and Finance Chair


Federal StateBudgetaryEducational Institutionof Higher Education theVereshchagin

State Dairy Farming Academy of Vologda


The success of our investment activities is largely determined by the

degree of the entity adaptation to the investment environment. This requires to carry out

the forecast of the investment environment condition at the early stage of the investment

strategy formation. This allows industry use the favourable opportunities to invest and

be prepared for negative factors that may be associated with the investment process,

identify the most favourable alternatives, thereby ensure the effective adaptation of

investment strategy to external conditions. The article gives the algorithm of drawing up

the forecast on the assessment of the investment environment impact on the enterprise

(industry) economic activity as one of the initial stages of enterprise investment strategy

formation. Based on the selection and testing of the proposed factors characterizing the

state of the investment environment of milk processing enterprises, the assessment of

the reliability rate of enterprise’s economic activity in the dairy industry on the current

economic, political, and financial conditions has been made. The usage of the proposed

algorithm of actions will allow adapt the investment activities of the company to the

unfavourable effects of environmental factors.


investment, investing activity, strategic investment management,

investment environment, reliability of activity in the sector, investment strategy.

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