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Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №4 (16), IV кв. 2014


следований позволили установить состав молочной основы, обеспечивающий хо-

рошие органолептические и структурно-механические свойства напитка, а также

уточнить режимы ферментации, позволяющие получать достаточно высокое содер-

жание пробиотической микрофлоры в готовом продукте.


Studies on optimization of the milk-whey framework composition for fermented

drink, enriched by probiotic microflora and characterized by functional properties

have been made. For souring milk whey framework consisting of skim milk and whey,

specially selected multicomponent leaven containing acidophilic Bacillus, propionic

acid bacteria and kefir starter was used. To obtain a mathematical model taking into

account the influence of technological factors the method of orthogonal composite

design of experiments was applied. Based on the results of preliminary experiments and

literature data the main factors were revealed (the proportion of skim milk in the milk-

whey based, temperature ripening and dose yeast), having a significant impact on the

development of microflora starter, acidproducing the process of ripening, organoleptic

and structural-mechanical properties of acid clot. As output parameters organoleptic

characteristics, structural and mechanical properties of acid clot, the number of viable

cells of probiotic microflora were defined. Mathematical models, which reflect changes

in the output parameters from the analyzed factors were obtained. The adequacy of the

obtained models was confirmed by conducting analysis of variance using the coefficients

of determination, Fisher’s exact test. The results of the research allowed to determine

the composition of breast framework to provide good organoleptic and structural-

mechanical properties of the drink, as well as to clarify the modes of fermentation,

allowing to obtain a sufficiently high content of probiotic microflora in the finished


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