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Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №4 (16), IV кв. 2014


products production. The growth of lactose crystals is known to depend not only on

the product composition but also on the number of ingredients of dairy and non-dairy

origin. Uncontrolled crystallization results in the formation of large and perceived

lactose crystals that give the product a powdery or sandy texture. To estimate the

granulometric composition the sweetened milk product with partial replacement

of sucrose by the starchy acid syrup is produced, its samples are selected and the

granulometric composition of the lactose crystals is determined. The basic numerical

statistical characteristics are taken as the basic granulometric characteristics: lactose

crystal size distribution by fractions, average crystal size and standard deviation. The

samples are estimated by the character of distribution and the result of the analysis

shows that the derived characteristics of the position are close to the theoretical normal


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