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ͪКормопроизводствоͫ № 8, 2015

менчивой, а на фоне с удобрениями козлятник и лю-

церна показали примерно одинаковые результаты.

Значительное накопление корневых остатков

и азота происходило на фоне высокой продуктив-

ности изучаемых культур и их смесей. В одновидо-

вых посевах максимальные урожаи зелёной массы,

сборы сухой массы, кормовых единиц и перевари-

мого протеина на фоне без удобрений обеспечила

люцерна. На фоне минерального питания люцерна

превосходила клевер только по урожайности зелё-

ной массы, а по остальным показателям они были

равны, что свидетельствует об эффективности ми-

нерального питания посевов клевера. В смешанных

посевах их продуктивность на обоих агрофонах

была схожей. Оптимальным соотношением компо-

нентов в травостоях на основе козлятника восточ-

ного обладала смесь козлятник 50% + клевер 25% +

тимофеевка 25%, на основе люцерны — люцерна

50% + клевер 25% + тимофеевка 25% на обоих фо-

нах питания.


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S. T. Esedullaev, PhD Agr. Sc.

N. V. Shmeleva

Ivanovsky Research Institute of Agriculture

153506, Russia, Ivanovo region, Bogorodskoe, Central str., 2


The most intensive accumulaƟon of nitrogen, including symbioƟc one, occurs in the pure crops of the hybrid alfal-







. The amount of the accumulated nitrogen in the reference variant (without fer-

Ɵlizers) was 182 kg ha


; in the variant with mineral ferƟlizers it was 191 kg ha


; the nitrogen-fixing ability of east-

ern galega and clover was considerably lower. Speaking of the mixed crops, the hybrid alfalfa had some advantage

in the reference variant; in the variant with mineral ferƟlizers hybrid alfalfa and eastern galega showed similar re-

sults. The level of accumulated nitrogen in the mixed crops was decreased in comparison with pure crops. This

was caused by the fact that the cereal component of the crop mixture has used part of the nitrogen previously

accumulated by the legumes. Improving the condiƟons of mineral nutriƟon significantly increased the amount of

root residues and accumulated nitrogen only in the pure clover crops, while the eastern galega and alfalfa crops

showed only minor changes. The maximum yields of green mass, dry mass, fodder units and digesƟble protein in

the reference variant were provided by alfalfa. Against the background of mineral ferƟlizers alfalfa surpassed clo-

ver only by the yield of green mass, all other indexes being equal. This indicates the efficiency of mineral ferƟliz-

ers when applied to the clover crops. ProducƟvity of mixed crops against both agricultural backgrounds was near-

ly idenƟcal. The research revealed the best raƟo of components in the mixed crops based on the eastern galega:

eastern galega 50 % + clover 25 % + Ɵmothy 25 %. In the mixed crops based on alfalfa the best raƟo of components

is as follows: alfalfa 50 % + clover 25 % + Ɵmothy 25 % — against both agricultural backgrounds.


nitrogen accumulaƟon, pure crops, mixed crops, eastern galega, hybrid alfalfa, the raƟo of compo-

nents in the mixed crops, producƟvity, nutriƟonal value.

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