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ͪКормопроизводствоͫ № 7, 2015

6. Насиев Б. Н. Подбор одновидовых и смешанных посевов кормовых культур для адаптивного земледелия Западного Ка-

захстана / Б. Н. Насиев // Кормопроизводство. — 2014. —№ 3. — С.35–38.

7. Поливидовые фитоценозы новых сортов зернофуражных культур с бобовыми в лесостепи Предбайкалья / В. А. Агафонов,

Е. В. Бояркин, О. А. Глушкова, С. Г. Гренда // Кормопроизводство. — 2014. —№ 10. — С.14–18.

8. Полищук А. А. Посевы проса и овса в смеси с бобовыми в Западной Сибири / А. А. Полищук, Н. Н. Кашеварова, К. А. Ник-

карь // Кормопроизводство. — 2006. —№ 5. — С.16–18.


1. Burlaka V. A. Gorokhovo-prosyanaya smes — vazhnyy rezerv povysheniya kachestva kormov / V. A. Burlaka, I. V. Cheprasov //

Kormoproizvodstvo. — 2006. — No. 5. — P. 13–16.

2. Grenda S. G. Sravnitelnaya otsenka urozhaynosti i kachestva zlakovykh kultur s bobovymi i rapsom yarovym v smeshannykh

posevakh / S. G. Grenda, V. A. Agafonov, E. V. Boyarkin // Vestnik IrGSKhA. — 2014. —Vyp. 64. — P. 7–11.

3. Dospekhov B. A. Metodika polevogo opyta / B. A. Dospekhov. —Moscow, 1985. — 358 p.

4. Kashevarov N. I. Produktivnost i kachestvo syrya sovmestnykh posevov rapsa yarovogo s odnoletnimi zlakovymi

kulturami / N. I. Kashevarov, A. A. Polishchuk, N. N. Kashevarova // Sibirskiy vestnik s.-kh. nauki. — 2010. — No. 6. — P. 26–31.

5. Mustafin A. M. Sravnitelnaya otsenka mnogoletnikh bobovykh trav pri polostnom podseve v degradirovannyy lug Zapadnoy

Sibiri / A. M. Mustafin, A. G. Tyuryukov // Sibirskiy vestnik s.-kh. nauki. — 2010. — No. 6. — P. 32–37.

6. Nasiev B. N. Podbor odnovidovykh i smeshannykh posevov kormovykh kultur dlya adaptivnogo zemledeliya Zapadnogo

Kazakhstana / B. N. Nasiev // Kormoproizvodstvo. — 2014. — No. 3. — P. 35–38.

7. Polividovye fitotsenozy novykh sortov zernofurazhnykh kultur s bobovymi v lesostepi Predbaykalya / V. A. Agafonov,

E. V. Boyarkin, O. A. Glushkova, S. G. Grenda // Kormoproizvodstvo. — 2014. — No. 10. — P. 14–18.

8. Polishchuk A. A. Posevy prosa i ovsa v smesi s bobovymi v Zapadnoy Sibiri / A. A. Polishchuk, N. N. Kashevarova, K. A. Nikkar //

Kormoproizvodstvo. — 2006. — No. 5. — P. 16–18.



V. A. Agafonov

1, 2

E. V. Boyarkin, PhD Biol. Sc.

1, 2

O. A. Glushkovа


V. A. Solodun, Dr. Agr. Sc.

1, 2


Laboratory of fodder production, Irkutsk Agricultural Research Institute

664511, Russia, Irkutsk district, stl. Pivovarikha, Dachnaya str., 14


Department of Agriculture and Crop Research, Irkutsk SAU named after A. A. Ezhevskiy

664038, Russia, Irkutsk district, stl. Molodezhnyy


This study reveals the best seeding rate and opƟmum raƟo of components in crop mixes of millet

(Panicum mili-

aceum L.

) with pea (

Pisum saƟvum L

.), field pea (

Pisum saƟvum L

.), vetch (

Vicia saƟva L

.) and spring rape (


napus var. napus L

.). It was evaluated how the weather condiƟons influence on the plant growth and development

and how dates of sowing influence on the producƟvity of these crop mixtures. The mixtures with vetch proved the

most clogging-resistant. At higher seeding rates of the legume component mechanized harvesƟng of green mass

was difficult. At lower seeding rates of legumes the grass mixture proved low-producƟve. Millet in its pure form

has a low nutriƟonal value, and the use of rapeseed as a caƩle feed can adversely affect the health of the animals.

The producƟvity of pea-and-millet mixtures was considerably lower compared to all other mixtures. The highest

yield of pea-and-millet mixture was 1.8 tons fodder units ha


, the raƟo of components being millet 80 %* + pea

50 %. The highest yield was obtained from the following mixture: millet 80 % + vetch 50 %. It amounted to 2.3 tons

fodder units ha


the yield increase being 21 %. Speaking of millet-rape agrocoenoses, the most producƟve variant

was millet 70 % + rape 50 %. This mixture gave an increase of 5.2 % feed units. Due to their biological characteris-

Ɵcs, all millet-rape mixtures were suitable for mechanized harvesƟng of green mass. The highest yield of nutrients

was obtained from the variants with higher seeding rate of legumes and spring rape. When the seeding rate of le-

gumes was 50 % of recommended, the content of digesƟble protein increased to 113.4…116.7 grams feed unit



In millet-rape mixtures the highest content of digesƟble protein was in the variant with rape seeding rate of 50 %.

It amounted to 114.3 grams feed unit


. The highest costs were observed when culƟvaƟng millet with pea or field

pea, net income being the lowest. Millet 80 % + vetch 50 % gave the highest profit.


millet, rape, pea, field pea, vetch, mixing raƟo, two-species mixture, producƟvity.

* Here and further: % of recommended seeding rate

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