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presence of PS-K maybe caused by its stimulation of recovery and synthetic

processes, or by the arousal of plant adaptive possibilities. Besides the determination

of Chi fluorescence induction has been frequently used in plant stress physiology.

The results of this study are important in understanding the protective function of

PS-K on salt stress mechanism.

The role of pigments in plant life processes is indispensable. The synthesis of

photоsynthetic pigments is genetically controlled, but it also depends on environmental


The quantitative changes in pigment complex (chlorophyll a,b and carotenoides) in

the leaves of

Populus bollecma


Robinia pseudoacacia


Ligistrum vufgare


Nerium oleandr

under effect of fluorine containing phytotoxicants were determined.

The chlorophyll a (chi a) content change in the poplar and acacia leaves is higher

considerably than in the oleandr and privet leaves. The changes in pigmental complex

under the effect of fluorine pollutants is mainly the result of chi b decrease. The

levels of carotenoides changes are also unsynonymous. In the poplar, acacia and

especially in the privet leaves the carotenoides amount is decreased in response to

toxicants, in the oleander leaves its content is increasing. It maybe concluded that

piastid apparatus is adapted to the environment pollution by the changes in ratio of

pigmental complex. Nevertheless, destructive changes in the piastid pigments and their

formed complexes follows the photosynthesis inhibition.

On the basis of the experimental data concerning the effect of the phytoactive

polymers ( polystimulines) on plant life it may also be concluded that application of

these plant growth regulators to forestry and agronomy is very promising.


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