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The influence of polystimulines (PS) A6 and К on germination of several plant

seeds was investigated. The seeds of several plant species were placed on filter paper

imbibed with deionized water (control) or NaCI 155 mM and .NaCI 155 mM plus

PS-A6 or PS-K of following concentrations: 10,20,30,40,50,60 mg/I .It is established,

that sodium chloride inhibited seed germination, almost at all plant species. However,


G kiiitchia (riacanthos

L. and

Robinia pseudoacacia

L. germinated 10-15% of

seeds, Nevertheless in salinity conditions percentage of germination seeds at species

which was treatment of polystimulines amount 30 %. The determination of the ion

concentrations Na\K*,Cl' indicated that the sodium accumulation was similar in

seedlings of both species and, in general, Na+ was confined to the root. Chloride

accumulated at high levels in both root and shoot but least in

Gleditchia triacam hos.

The positive effects of polystimulines A6 and К on germination, sprouting leaves

and corm production in

Crocus sativus

L. are observed.

We found that the effect of polystimulines on germination of seeds depend from

their concentrations and plant species. In series experiments it was determined that for

seeds of forest plants optimal concentration of polystimulines is 50 mg/I and for seeds

of agricultural plants were determined 30 mg/I.

Take into consideration of breeding results can be observed that the germinating of

seeds and growth third old of wheat seedling under the low temperature (10°C) no so

much lowering visible growth have much is leaded to change of balance

phytohormones and redistribution them in organs of seedlings. It is believed that

ABA has an executing role as stress hormone signal for roots causing increasing its

autograph synthesis in roots.

At the mean salinity of 155 mM NaCI showed significally lower intensity of

photosynthesis , transpiration and plant growth (

Oossipium hirsutum

L.). Nevertheless,

exogenous treatment of PS-Аб promoting stimulation of vital activity of plants at

early and following stages under mean salinity of 51 and 103 mM NaCI. Antistress

effect of PS-A6 in. salty conditions is expressed by enchancement of the activity of

photosynthetic apparatus and increase of intensity of growth and productivity of


In other experiments were investigated the effect of polystimuline К (PS-K) on

photosynthetic activity of salt stressed

Trianea bogotensis

Karst. Chlorophyll variable

fluorescence (Fv) and slow fluorescence (SF) have been used to define the sensitivity

of photosystem II (PS 11) to different salt stress treatments (103,155 and344 mM),

at different time courses (15,30,60,360 and 720 minutes). Salt stress (155 mM NaCI)

treatments of the seedlings inhibited the SF magnitude approximately to 50%.

Preatreatment of seedlings for 30 minutes in 20 mg/I PS-K followed by salt stress

resulted in an increase in SF. magnitude. Under salt stress the magnitude of Fv/Fo

decreases within all time measurments. In the presence of NaCI and PS-K until 60

minutes of treatment there was a decrease in Fv/F0 value, then a slight increase was

observed. These results indicate that in

Trianea bogotensis

Karst, subjected to severe

salt stress the non*siomata! component of photosynthesis was affected and perhaps a

light-dependent inactivation of the primary photochemistry associated with photosystem

11(PS 11) occurred. The reduced efficiency of the NaCI effect in the



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