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Аграрная наука Евро-Северо-Востока, №6(61), 2017 г.

4. Федоренко В.Ф. Уборка и послеуборочная

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№ 7. С. 10-11.

6. Большаков В.Н., Эрк Ф.Н., Ягудин Г.М. По-

слеуборочная обработка семян многолетних трав на

специализированном пункте // Техника в сельском

хозяйстве. 1985. № 9. С. 15-16.

7. Ахламов Ю.Д., Отрошко С.А., Шевцов

А.В. Машина для вытирания семян трав // Техника в

сельском хозяйстве. 1997. № 3. С. 28-29.

8. Бурков А.И., Симонов М.В. Рекомендации

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Киров: НИИСХ Северо-Востока, 2016. 51 с.

9. Федоренко В.Ф., Буклагин Д.С., Колчи-

на Л.М., Мишуров Н.П., Гольтяпин В.Я., Кузьмина

Т.Н. Машины для селекции, сортоиспытания и пер-

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М.: ФГБНУ «Росинформагротех», 2009. 224 с.

10. Бурков А.И., Симонов М.В., Мокиев В.Ю.

Клеверотёрка барабанного типа с тангенциальной

подачей // Сельский механизатор. 2016. №4. С. 12, 15.

11. Бурков А.И., Симонов М.В., Мокиев В.Ю.

Определение показателей качества работы

скарификаторов семян трав // Механизация и

электрификация сельского хозяйства. 2014. № 3.

С. 19-20.

12. Бурков А.И., Симонов М.В., Мокиев В.Ю.

Влияние конструктивно-технологических параме-

тров вытирающе-скарифицирующего устройства на

качество скарификации // Аграрная наука Евро-Севе-

ро-Востока. 2014. №2. С. 63-68.

Research of clover-grater-and-scarificator KS-0.2 with oval type deck at seeds scarification

Burkov A.I.

, DSc in engineering, professor, head of laboratory,

Simonov M.V.

, PhD in engineering, associate professor, senior researcher,




, PhD in engineering, associate researcher

North-East Agricultural Research Institute

In 2017 in the Kirov region the clover-grater-and-scarificator KS-0.2 intended for extraction of seeds from wad of

clover and other legumes and grasses as well as scarification of hard legume seeds was investigated. The machine includes

frame, body, drum, deck, batch hopper, tedder, device for supplying material to a machine, pipe for input and output, exten-

sion, holder for bag, the drive mechanisms, electric equipment. For exception of the operation for deck replacement when

reconfiguring the machine it was experimentally investigated the process of scarification of seeds of

Galega orientalis


the oval type deck, equipped with 7 steel scarification plates installed between the round bars. Using of methods of mathe-

matical planning of the experiment studied allow to established the influence of constructive and technological parameters

on the degree of scarification of seeds and crushing of the seeds. Determined the range of values of the studied parameters

under which the observed agro technical requirements for the machine were met. As a result of research defined values are

revealed of the constructive and technological parameters of the machine for extraction and scarification grass seed КS-0.2

with the use of a oval type deck, providing the required quality parameters (degree of scarification of seeds higher than 95%

and crushing of seeds less than 1.5%): frequency of rotation of the drum 850…950 min


; productivity 0.2…0.3


; clear-

ances at the entrance – 6.0 mm, at the outlet – 3.0 mm.

Key words:

clover grater, seed scarificator, hard seeds of grasses, scarification of seeds


1. Kiselev N.P., Kormshchikov A.D., Nikiforova E.V.,

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1995. 276 p.


Operatsionnaya tekhnologiya posleuborochnoy

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, 1985. 152 p.

3. Tarasenko A.P., Solntsev V.N., Shatokhin I.V.

Obrabotka neveyanogo vorokha

. [Processing of un-winnowed


Sel’skiy mekhanizator

. 2001. no. 7. pp. 23-24.

4. Fedorenko V.F.

Uborka i posleuborochnaya obrabot-

ka semyan trav

. [Cleaning and post-harvest treatment of seeds

of herbs]. Moscow:

FGNU «Rosinformagrotekh»

, 2003. 268 p.

5. Sharshunov V.A., Rakut’ N.N.

Uborka belogo kle-

vera na semena

. [Cleaning of white clover seeds].

Sel’skiy me-


. 1999. no. 7. pp. 10-11.

6. Bol’shakov V.N., Erk F.N., Yagudin G.M.


borochnaya obrabotka semyan mnogoletnikh trav na spet-

sializirovannom punkte

. [Post-harvest treatment of seeds of

perennial grasses on a specialized site].

Tekhnika v sel’skom


. 1985. no. 9. pp. 15-16.

7.AkhlamovYu.D., Otroshko S.A., ShevtsovA.V.


ina dlya vytiraniya semyan trav

. [Machine for grating of grass


Tekhnika v sel’skom khozyaystve

. 1997. no. 3. pp. 28-29.

8. Burkov A.I., Simonov M.V.

Rekomendatsii po

primeneniyu vysokoeffektivnykh kleveroterok

. [Recommen-

dations for the use of highly effective clever graters]. Kirov:

NIISKh Severo-Vostoka

, 2016. 51 p.

9. Fedorenko V.F., Buklagin D.S., Kolchina L.M.,

Mishurov N.P., Gol’tyapin


., Kuz’mina T.N.


dlya selektsii, sortoispytaniya i pervichnogo semenovodstva

polevykh kul’tur: katalog

. [Machines for breeding, variety

testing and primary seed production of field crops: catalogue].


FGBNU «Rosinformagrotekh»

, 2009. 224 p.

10. Burkov A.I., Simonov M.V., Mokiev



Kleveroterka barabannogo tipa s tangentsial’noy podachey


[Clover grater of drum type with tangential feed].

Sel’skiy me-


. 2016. no.4. pp. 12, 15.

11. Burkov A.I., Simonov M.V., Mokiev




delenie pokazateley kachestva raboty skarifikatorov semyan


. [Determination of indicators of the quality of the scar-

ifiers grass seed].

Mekhanizatsiya i elektrifikatsiya sel’skogo


. 2014. no. 3. pp. 19-20.

12. Burkov A.I., Simonov M.V., Mokiev




konstruktivno-tekhnologicheskikh parametrov vytirayush-

che-skarifitsiruyushchego ustroystva na kachestvo skarifikat-


. [Influence of design-technological parameters of grat-

er-scarification unit on quality of scarification].


nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka

. 2014. no. 2. pp. 63-68.

Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека