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Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №4 (24), IV кв. 2016


Технические науки

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4. Gordeev V.V., Khazanov V.E., Yakovleva A.V. Analysis of lay-out solutions for

newly constructed cow barns. Tekhnologii i tekhnicheskie sredstva mekhanizirovannogo

proizvodstva produktsii rastenievodstva i zhivotnovodstva. [Technologies, Machines and

Equipment for Mechanized Plant and Livestock Production], 2015, no. 87, pp. 186-195.

5.ManagementDirective forAgro-Industrial Complex1.10.01.02-10.Methodological

Recommendations for Engineering Design of Cattle-Breeding Farms and Complexes.

Moscow, 2011.

6.ManagementDirective forAgro-Industrial Complex1.10.15.02-08.Methodological

Recommendations for Engineering Design of Manure Removal Systems and Systems of

Manure Preparation for Application. Moscow, 2008.

Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека