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Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №4 (24), IV кв. 2016


Экономические науки

лочное: ВГМХА, 2015. – 200 с.

7. Щеглова, А.Н. Теория и практика модернизации экономики регионального

образования: отечественный и зарубежный опыт [Текст] / А.Н. Щеглова //

Вестник ИНЖЭКОНа. – 2013. – № 2. – С. 65–83.

8. Планирование, экономика и организация производства на предприятиях

АПК (нормативно-справочные материалы) [Текст] / М.М. Максимов, П.И.

Дугин, А.И. Голубева, М.П. Шаталов, В.А. Смелик и др. / под ред. М.М. Мак-

симова. – Ярославль, 2004. – 468 с.


1. Sandhu I.S. Economic aspects of the implementation of innovation projects

in the agricultural sector. Prikladnye jekonomicheskie issledovanija [Applied

Economic Research], 2015, no 1, pp. 43-46.

2. Smelik V.A., Efimov V.A., Chekmarev O.P. Agriculture of Russia and Training:

Past, Present and Future. Trudy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii

professorsko-prepodavatel’skogo sostava «Nauchnoe obespechenie razvitija

APK v uslovijah reformirovanija» [Proc. of the scientific-practical conference of

the faculty “Scientific support for the development of agro-industrial complex

in the conditions of reforming.”]. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State Agrarian

University Publ., 2015, pp. 3-13. (in Russian)

3. Marshall A. Principy politicheskoj jekonomii [Principles of Political Economy].

Moscow, Economics Publ., 1985. 48 p.

4. Kuzin A.A., Malkov N.G., Lagun A.A., Golubeva S.G. The organization and

effectiveness of the Dairy Cluster of Vologda region. Molochnohozjajstvennyj

vestnik [Dairy Bulletin], 2016, no. 2, pp. 117-127. (in Russian)

5. Agapova T.N., Medvedeva N.A. Human capital - the factor of innovative

development of agriculture in the region. Vestnik Povolzhskogogosudarstvennogo

universiteta servisa. Serija: Jekonomika [Bulletin of the Volga State University

of Service. Series: Economy], 2014, no. 4 (36), pp. 43-48. (in Russian)

6. Medvedeva N.A. Metodologija scenarnogo prognozirovanija razvitija

jekonomicheskih sistem: monografija [The methodology of scenario forecasting

of the economic systems development: monograph]. Vologda–Molochnoe Publ.,

2015, 200 p.

7. Shcheglova A.N. Theory and practice of modernization of regional education

economy: domestic and foreign experience. Vestnik INZhEKOMA [Bulletin of

UNECON], 2013, no. 2, pp. 65-83.

8. Maximov M.M., Dugin P.I., Golubeva A.I., Shatalov M.P., Smelik V.A. et al.

Planirovanie, jekonomika i organizacija proizvodstva na predprijatijah APK

(normativno-spravochnye materialy) [Planning, economics and organization of

production at the enterprises of AIC (normative reference materials)]. Yaroslavl

Publ., 2004. 468 p.

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