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Сельскохозяйственный сектор экономики Канады: уроки и рекомендации для России


In the structure of Russia's sown areas, wheat ranks first, accounting for one third of all areas

(33.8%) in 2015. Also, significant areas are covered by such crops as barley (11.2%), sunflower

(8.8%), oats (3.8%), maize for grain (3.5%), soybean (2.7%) , Leguminous plants (2.0% -

mainly peas), rye (1.6%), sugar beet (1.3%), rapeseed (1.3%), buckwheat (1.2%).Agricultural

land occupies about 7.2% of Canada.[6] More than three-fourths of this area, used for growing

agricultural products, is located in the provinces of the Central West of the country.[11] These

provinces produce mainly wheat, one of the largest world producers of which Canada is. Half of all

wheat produced in Canada was grown in Saskatchewan. The second largest producer of wheat in

the country is Alberta, followed by Manitoba. The industry employs 5% of the economically active

population of the country, it gives 9% of GDP and 11% of the cost of all exports.[21 ] Agro

climatic conditions are similar to weather conditions on the territory of Russia. Canada fully

provides itself with basic types of food products and is one of the leading countries in the world for

the production of grain. Wheat, barley, oats, vegetable oil are exported abroad. According to

statistics, it ranks 5th in the world in the collection of cereals (57 million tons) and the third place

in the world for the collection of wheat. One inhabitant accounts for 1.7 tons of grain, 1 place in

the world. It should be noted that the development of production of quality wheat, its selection

and seed production, began with Russian varieties such as "Beloturka", "Chernouska", etc.,

imported into Canada by settlers from pre-revolutionary Russia and Ukraine. The basis of

enterprises is farming. The vast majority of farmers are land owners, and the vast majority of

farms are highly specialized enterprises. The average annual harvest of the most important crops

is 32 million tons of wheat, 15 million tons of barley, 7 million tons of corn, 4 million tons of oats.

The hot summer of the south of Ontario and Quebec and the long growing season in this area

allow the cultivation of a variety of foods such as lettuce, cucumber, corn, apples, strawberries

and tobacco. In the Atlantic provinces, the main cultivated plaint is potatoes. Canada is the second

in the world, after the US, an exporter of food. Farmers in this country, caring for diversification of

cultivated products, also began to cultivate varietal lentils, rapeseed and ginseng to meet the

growing demand in the country for these products. Thirdly, it is necessary to compare livestock in

both countries. Livestock in Canada accounts for more than half of the total agricultural output.

Dairy and beef cattle breeding prevails, as well as sheep and poultry farming. Fisheries and

forestry are also developed. The provinces of the Central West are areas of developed cattle

breeding. The Alberta region has the largest canal population (or Bos taurus, the Canadian breed

of cows) in the country - it's the province with the best meat production index in Canada, and

most of the beef is transported and sold in other regions of the country or exported to the US.

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