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Сельскохозяйственный сектор экономики Канады: уроки и рекомендации для России


by forty-three percent compared to 2005. The volume of export of sunflower oil in 2015 amounted

to 1 237.4 thousand tons. The production of potatoes in the Russian Federation in comparison

with 2005 for gross charges exceeded the previous figures by two and a half times and is seven

and a half tons. The production of vegetables in the industrial sector, formed from agricultural

organizations and farms, amounted to 5 312, 2 thousand tons, which is eighty three percent

higher than ten years ago. The total output of crop production in all categories of farms

(commercial sector, which includes agricultural organizations and peasant farms and non-profit

sector - households) in Russia in 2015 in value terms is estimated at 2 636.8 billion rubles. As

compared to 2014, the value of crop production increased by 18.6% or by 414.3 billion rubles.

Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека