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Сельскохозяйственный сектор экономики Канады: уроки и рекомендации для России


growing. Nevertheless, in Russia, vegetables such as beets, onions, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots,

etc. are grown. Watermelons and melons grow in the lower reaches of the Volga and in Orenburg

region. The table below shows gross collections of the main crop plants in Russia for the period


Impressive results over the past ten years have reached rice growing. So, in 2015 (1109,8

thousand tons ) the volumes of rice harvest exceeded the figures of 2005(570,8 thousand tons)

almost twice. Collections of buckwheat in 2015 have updated the figures of ten years ago by 42,

45 tons. Collections of buckwheat in Russia in 2015 amounted to 861.2 thousand tons, which is

42.45 more than 10 years ago. Maximum buckwheat yield in the past 15 years was 1,004,400

tons in 2007.The sugar industry in the Russian Federation is represented by the cultivation of

sugar beet, gross collections of which, compared to 2005, increased by almost 28 percent.

Increased investments are directed by the government for the cultivation of oilseeds, as well as

oil-oil crops. The reason for this is the increased demand for processed products (vegetable oils,

oil cake, meal, protein concentrates) in the world market. Gross collections of sunflower increased

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