Комплексный подход к решению проблемы импортозамещения на рынке сельскохозяйственной продукции и продовольствия
науки и образования. 2015. №7 (9). С. 5355.
19. Шулятьева Г.М. Экономическая эффективность инновационных приемов использования
сорных растений для повышения плодородия почвы и урожайности сельскохозяйственных
культур.//Проблемы современной науки и образования. 2015, №10 (40). С.8789.
20. Шулятьева Г.М. Эластичность спроса на продовольственный картофель по доходу и ее
влияние на развитие отрасли.//Успехи современной науки и образования. 2016. Т.2. №6. С.13
21. Шулятьева Г.М. Эффективность использования ресурсов при производстве картофеля в
хозяйствах населения Кировской области.//В сборнике: ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЙ ВЗГЛЯД НА
ПРОБЛЕМЫ СОВРЕМЕННОГО ОБЩЕСТВА Сборник научных трудов Международной научно
практической конференции. 2015. С.314316.
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2. Shulyatieva G. M. Dynamics of prices and pricing factors on the market ware potatoes // problems
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3. Shulyatieva G. M. Innovations in households as a factor of development of entrepreneurship in
rural areas // Economics and entrepreneurship. 2015. No. 91 (621). P. 945948.
4. Shulyatieva G. M. Innovations in households as a factor of development of rural territories.
//Bulletin of science and education. 2016. No. 1. With 3032.
5. Shulyatieva G. M. Innovative directions of improving the quality and competitiveness of ware
potatoes. // Bulletin of science and education. 2015. No. 8 (10). Pp. 6264.
6. Shulyatieva G. M. Innovative nature of training of the personnel of the agricultural enterprise. //
Modern problems of science and education. 2015. No. 7 (37). From 8991.
7. Shulyatieva G. M. Innovative directions of reducing the complexity of potato production in
households // journal of science and education. 2016. No. 1. 2830.
8. Shulyatieva G. M. Innovative ways of improving working conditions based on ergonomics in the
cultivation of potatoes in farms of the population.// Journal of science and education. 2016. No. 2
(14). S. 3032.
9. Shulyatieva G. M. Innovative factor of increase of economic efficiency of agricultural production. //
Modern problems of science and education. 2015. No. 6 (36). From 9395.
10. Shulyatieva G. M. marketing mix in the luxury segment of the market of ware potatoes. //
International research journal. 2016. No. 51 (47). C. 194195.
11. Shulyatieva G. M. Regional features of development of the potato industry in the Kirov
region.//In the collection: Problems and prospects of socioeconomic development of regions all
Russian scientificpractical conference : in 2 volumes. 2015. P. 9396.
12. Shulyatieva G. M. the Factor of uniqueness in the innovation practices of agricultural enterprises.
// Modern problems of science and education. 2015. No. 8 (38). From 5557.
13. Shulyatieva G. M. Formation of an elite segment of the market of ware potatoes. // International
research journal. 2016. No. 41 (46). C. 160162.
14. Shulyatieva G. M. Price elasticity of supply of potatoes for human consumption and its impact on
the development of the market.//The successes of modern science. 2016. Vol. 1. No. 6. S. 6971.
15. Shulyatieva G. M. Price elasticity of demand for ware potatoes // problems of modern science and
education. 2016. No. 2 (44). With 114116.
16. Shulyatieva G. M. Price elasticity of demand for ware potatoes and entrepreneurial activity in
industry // international research journal. 2016. No. 61 (48). C. 104106.
17. Shulyatieva G. M. Economic efficiency of innovative schemes of planting potatoes. // Modern
problems of science and education. 2015. No. 9 (39). From 8082.
18. Shulyatieva G. M. Economic efficiency of innovative methods of primary tillage in the cultivation
of agricultural crops (for example potatoes). // Bulletin of science and education. 2015. No. 7 (9). S.
19. Shulyatieva G. M. Economic efficiency of innovative techniques of using weeds to enhance soil
fertility and crop yields.//Problems of modern science and education. 2015, №10 (40). P. 8789.
20. Shulyatieva G. M. the Elasticity of demand for ware potatoes by income and its impact on the
development of the industry.//The advances of modern science and education. 2016. Vol. 2. No. 6. S.
21. Shulyatieva G. M. resource use Efficiency in potato production in farms of the population of the
Kirov region.//In journal: ECONOMIC perspective ON the PROBLEMS of MODERN SOCIETY Collection
of scientific works of International scientificpractical conference. 2015. P. 314316.
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