Research Institute for Fruitgrowing and Ornamentals,Hungary
The purpose of the Hungarian sweet, cherry-breeding Has been
to create a wide range of high quality varieties both for fresh
consumption and canning industry', producing constantly high yields.
The breeding w'ork w'as started in 1951 by S.BROZIK, whom J.
APOSTOL and E. APOSTOL joined in 1970.
During the first period the work wfas mainly aimed at collecting
valuable regional sorta. The bests of them have been released and are
still grown:Szomolyai fekete, Solymari
gombolyu, Pomazi
hosszuszaru, Germersdorfi cliand cl3, Hedelfingeni cl2.
The main concern of the second period was to evaluate foreign
varieties and to introduce the suitable ones to Hungarian cherry'
industry Cakalov,and Bigarreau Buriat.
As third period of breeding work the crossing started in 1957.Thc
first progenies of it proceeded from 1957 to 1961, resulting in the
varieties Margit, Linda, Katalin.Further combinations of that
material were made during 1977 ta 1983
The purpose of the breeding work has been extended to obtain
valuable self fertile varieties. We used two mutant varieties from
EMRS Cherry Self fertile 45 and 46 .These crosses gave also a most
valuable self fertile one. In the last ten years we use Stella, Sumburst
and some other Canadian self fertile hybrids as male parents in order
to get self fertile and high fruit quality varieties.
At the present some 4000 sweet cherry hybrids are in trial with a
share of more than 300 self fertile ones. Among them are 18 self
fertile and 35 self sterile hybrids deserving further attention.
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