have been produced: Olasol, Hyposol, Statisol; collagen film
Oblecol. We have put them successfully into medical practice;
their using is effective, efficient and convinient.
We evaporate the sea-buckthorn juice and use it to prepare
dried kissel concentrated product and vitamin aerated drink; with .
degreased pressing the condensed juice is used in confectionery
dragees to improve significantly their food and biological value.
On the basis of the condensed juice, suger, glucose, leuzea extract
and C-vitamin dried drinks had been worked out. For the diabetics
suger is substituted for sorbitol and aspartam.
The decreased sea-buckthorn pressing with rich set of dissolved
biological active components are used in backery and confectionary
as well as in food and cosmetic extracts.
The last years of scientific research proved a high sea-buck
thorn leaves value (Kukina T.P., Haldugin V.A., Solonenko L*P. -
Novosibirsk city). The natural iromunoregulator fractions such as
polyprenols, dolyhols, which are not found in the sea-buckthorn
fruits, and a rich set of amino acids including indispensable ones
are of great interest. The lipid leaves fraction has a significant
antigastrie activity (SPA "Vitaminy” , Moscow Academy of Veterinary
sciences). Antioxidant properties of leaves oil extract had been
discovered (Tankov f.P. Barnaul city).
At the•"Altaivitaminy” joint-stock company we have obtained a
biological active addition for cosmetic remidies and skin protective
liniments against solvents, varnishes, paints influence etc( inven
tor's certificate 175^05)*
Antiswelling and -metastatic activities of sea-buckthorn rind
and sprouts have been proved by Turetskova V.P., Konovalova O.N.,
Suyeva E.P. etc. - the positive solution on the claim
Viburnum opuluo L. As a result of complex fruit processing we
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