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V.V. Razumov


, D.A. Shapovalov


, N.V. Razumova



Dokuchaev sоil science institute, Moscow


State university of land use planning, Moscow


JSC “Russian space systems”, Moscow, Russia

The arƟcle presents results of systemaƟzaƟon and analysis of different sources containing informaƟon on processes of overwatering and saturaƟon of lands in the

North-West region of Russia. It establishes causes of occurrence and development of these processes and the intensity of their manifestaƟon. It is shown that the acƟ-

vaƟon of the processes of overwatering and saturaƟon of lands on the territory of the studied region occurs mainly for natural reasons (predominance of precipitaƟon

over evaporaƟon, a branched and dense river network, numerous lakes, extensive bogs, weak (depthless) filtraƟon of surface waters, etc.), and due to engineering

and economic human acƟviƟes. Temporary overwatering and saturaƟon of the region’s lands is formed as a result of frequent and intense rains and spring floods and

high water, which is almost annual, and as a result, the rise of the groundwater level during the construcƟon of hydraulic structures and irraƟonal use of reclaimed

(irrigated, drained) land. Permanent overwatering (bogging and flooding) develops under the influence of both the above-menƟoned natural and manmade factors,

and also due to intensive urban construcƟon, accompanied by a violaƟon of natural groundwater drainage. AƩenƟon is drawn to the obligaƟon to develop and imple-

ment of a set of measures to prevent or eliminate the negaƟve impacts of these dangerous natural processes in case of danger of occurrence and development of

overwatering, saturaƟon and swamping of lands or separate objects.


waterlogging, land flooding, groundwater level, irrigaƟon systems, reservoirs.


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About the authors:

Victor V. Razumov,

doctor of geographical sciences, professor, leading researcher, ORCID:


Dmitry A. Shapovalov,

doctor of technical sciences, professor, pro-rector for scientific and innovation activities, ORCID:Х


Natalia V. Razumova,

candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor, leading researcher, ORCID:


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