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Об авторах:
Титова Вера Ивановна,
доктор сельскохозяйственных наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой агрохимии и агроэкологии, ORCID:
titovavi@yandex.ruДабахов Максим Владимирович
, доктор биологических наук, доцент,
старший научный сотрудник, ORCID:
mvd1969@yandex.ruВетчинников Александр Александрович,
кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, доцент, доцент кафедры агрохимии и агроэкологии, ORCID:
vetchinnikov@rambler.ruГордеев Владимир Михайлович,
аспирант кафедры агрохимии и агроэкологии, ORCID:
V.I. Titova, M.V. Dabakhov, A.A. Vetchinikov, V.M. Gordeev
Nizhny Novgorod state agricultural academy, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
The arƟcle is devoted to the study of the influence of conflagraƟons and fire isolaƟon measures on improved bog alluvial muddy peaty topsoil state and on the soil pro-
file characterizing. The examinaƟon revealed, that the relief of the site is characterized by extreme heterogeneity, which is due to different burning condiƟons and Ɵme
that has passed since the fire. Depressive forms of relief are observed, which were formed due to the burning out of the peat horizon, and in all cases deep pyrogenic
degradaƟon is observed on the site under invesƟgaƟon, that is, the burning of peat to mineral layers. The depth of incidence of the hypsometric level of the surface
corresponds to the thickness of the burnt peat thickness and reaches 40-80 cm. An important contribuƟon to the formaƟon of the surface of the territory was made by
events, conducted to localize fires — in this case, the creaƟon of ditches around a fire with a width of about one meter and depth to the mineral layer. In some areas,
along with ash, on the surface there is a dark layer, dyed with organic compounds, with a thickness of 2-3 cm, which can be evidence of the restoraƟon of soil-forming
processes natural for bog soils in depressive forms of relief. It’s revealed that the pyrogenesis direct influence consists in abrupt decrease of organic substance content
(by 40% in comparison with background soil) though there is a liƩle increase of potassium and phosphor movable joint content (twice more relaƟve to the reference
value but the absolute level of these nutrient elements keeps low) and in the pH medium change to the neutral zone. The gradual accumulaƟon of organic substance
takes place during the succession and it approaches pyrogenic soils to the characterizaƟon of peaty bog background soils. It’s necessary to take special measures real-
ized within the framework of disturbed soils reculƟvaƟon for the restoring of topsoil ferƟlity and of pyrogenic soils economic value.
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About the authors:
Vera I. Titova,
doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, head of the department of agrochemistry and agroecology, ORCID:
titovavi@yandex.ruMaximV. Dabakhov,
doctor of biological sciences, associate professor,
senior researcher fellow, ORCID:
mvd1969@yandex.ruAlexander A. Vetchinikov,
candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor,
associate professor of the department of agrochemistry and agroecology, ORCID:
vetchinnikov@rambler.ruVladimir M. Gordeev,
graduate student of the department of agrochemistry and agroecology, ORCID:
gordeeff1986@yandex.ru vetchinnikov@rambler.ruЭлектронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека