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Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №4 (24), IV кв. 2016


Технические науки

issledovanija i perspektivy” [Agricultural science of the XXI century. Current research

and prospects], 2013. pp. 222-225.

12. Shushkov R. A., Orobinskiy D. F. Determination of efforts at a puncture of a

linen bale distributor of heater. Molochnohozjajstvennyj vestnik [Dairy Bulletin], 2013,

no. 1, pp. 37-41. (in Russian)

13. Shushkov R. A., Orobinskiy D. F. Artificial dehydration of bales of flax, as

an element of the technology of harvesting. Trudy Belorusskoj gosudarstvennoj

sel’skohozjajstvennoj akademiji “Molodezh’ i innovacii – 2013: materialy Mezhdunar.

nauch.-prakt. konf. molodyh uchenyh” [Proc. of the Belarusian state agricultural

Academy “Youth and innovation – 2013: proceedings of the international. scientific.-

pract. conf. young scientists”]. Gorki, 2013. Vol. 1, pp. 348-351. (in Russian)

14. Shushkov R. A., Kuznetsov N.N., Orobinskiy D. F. Place of extra drying of flax

bales. Trudy Krasnodar “Tehnika budushhego: perspektivy razvitija sel’skohozjajstvennoj

tehniki: sbornik statej mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf” [Proc. of the Krasnodar

“Technology of the future: prospects for the development of agricultural machinery: a

collection of articles Intern. scientific.-pract. conf”]. 2013. pp. 134-136. (in Russian)

15. Shushkov R. A., Orobinskiy D. F. Improving the efficiency of postharvest

operations of raw flax harvesting. Voprosy territorial’nogo razvitija [Territorial

development Issues], 2013, no. 9, 7 p.

16. Shushkov R. A., Orobinskiy D. F. Calculation of parameters of the installation for

flax bales drying. Sel’skohozjajstvennye mashiny i tehnologii [Technique in agriculture],

2013, no. 5, pp. 2-3. (in Russian)

17. Shushkov R. A., Orobinskiy D. F. Distribution device for final drying of bales

of linen. Sel’skohozyaistvennye mashiny i tehnologii [Agricultural machinery and

technologies], 2013, no. 5, pp. 44-46. (in Russian)

18. Shushkov R. A., Kuznetsov N. N., Vershinin V. N. Simulation of final flax bales

drying. Tehnika v sel’skom hozjajstve [Technique in agriculture], 2014, no. 4, pp. 29-

30. (in Russian)

19. Shushkov R. A., Mikhailov A. S., Biryukov A. L. Analysis and optimization of

drying parameters of flax bales. Molochnohozjajstvennyj vestnik [Dairy Bulletin], 2015,

no. 4(20), pp. 89-97. (in Russian)

20. Shushkov R. A., Kuznetsov N. N. Research of process flax drying, pressed in

bales. Kishovarz [Kishovarz], 2015, Vol. 3, pp. 55-58. (in Russian)

21. Zhivetin V. V., Ginzburg L. N., Olshanskaya O. M. Len i ego kompleksnoe

ispol’zovanie [Flax and its complex use]. Moscow, Inform-Znanie Publ., 2002. 400 p.

22. Pashin E. L., Kiselev N., Ivanov E. E. Sposob sushki l’njanoj tresty [The method

of drying linseed trusts]. Pat. RF no.2550290, 2006.

23. Novikov E. V., Konovalov V. V. On the state of drying flax mill and energy-

saving drying machine. Nauchnyj vestnik KGTU [Scientific Bulletin of KGTU], 2013, no.

1, 8 p. (in Russian)

24. Biryukov, A. L. Ustrojstvo dlja sushki rulonov l’na [Device for drying flax bales].

Pat. RF no. 153133, 2015.

25. Biryukov, A. L., Shushkov R. A. Ustrojstvo dlja sushki rulonov l’na [Device for

drying flax bales]. Pat. RF no. 153131, 2015.

26. Biryukov, A. L., Shushkov R. A. Ustrojstvo dlja sushki rulonov l’na [Device for

drying flax bales]. Pat. RF no. 2590750, 2016.

27. State Standard 53143-2008. Trust flax. Requirements for billet. Moscow,

STANDARTINFORM Publ., 2009. 15 p. (in Russian)

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