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Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №4 (24), IV кв. 2016


Технические науки

26. Пат. 2590750 Российская Федерация, МПК A01F25/08 (2006.01). Устрой-

ство для сушки рулонов льна / Бирюков А. Л., Шушков Р. А.; заявитель и

патентообладатель ФГБОУ ВО Вологодская ГМХА (RU). ‒ №2015108556; за-

явл. 11.03.2015; опубл. 10.07.2016 Бюл. № 19.

27. ГОСТ Р 53143-2008. Треста льняная. Требования при заготовках. – М.:

Стандартинформ, 2009 – 15 с.


1. Orobinskiy D. F. Uborka l’na v uslovijah Severo-Zapadnogo regiona Rossii [Flax

harvesting in the North-West region of Russia]. Vologda–Molochnoye Publ., 2007. 190


2. Orobinskiy D. F. Optimization of vehicles to transport the raw linen.

Jekonomicheskie i social’nye peremeny: fakty, tendencii, prognoz [Economic and social

changes: facts, trends, forecast], 2012, no. 5, pp. 136-142. (in Russian)

3. Orobinskiy D. F. Universal point drying lesosyrya. Mehanizacija i jelektrifikacija

sel’skogo hozjajstva [Mechanization and electrification of agriculture], 2013, no. 3, pp.


4. Shushkov R. A. Povyshenie jeffektivnosti posleuborochnoj obrabotki l’notresty v

rulonah putem optimizacii parametrov processa sushki i rezhimov raboty oborudovanija

(na primere Vologodskoj oblasti) Kan, Diss [Improving efficiency of post-harvest

processing of flax in bales by optimisation the drying process parameters and modes

of equipment operation (by the example of Vologda region). Can, Diss.]. Vologda–

Molochnoye, 2014. 180 p.

5. Shushkov R. A., Kuznetsov N.N., Orobinskiy D. F. The shelf-life of wet bale flax.

Sel’skij mehanizator [Rural machine operator], 2014, no. 1, pp.20-21. (in Russian)

6. Shushkov R. A., Kuznetsov N.N., Orobinskiy D. F. Characteristics of the process

dosushki rolls of linen. Molochnohozjajstvennyj vestnik [Dairy Bulletin], 2012, no. 3,

pp. 84-92. (in Russian)

7. Shushkov R. A., Kuznetsov N.N., Orobinskiy D. F. Energy-saving unit for linen

bales extra drying. Trudy of the “Mezhdunarodnyj jekologicheskij forum: materialy v

treh tomah” [Proc. of the International ecological forum: materials in three toms].

SPb.: GNU, 2013. T. 2. pp. 141-146.

8. Shushkov R. A., Kuznetsov N.N., Orobinskiy D. F. Substantiation of method

of final drying of the pressed linen in bales. Molochnohozjajstvennyj vestnik [Dairy

Bulletin], 2012, no. 2, pp. 85-90. (in Russian)

9. Shushkov R. A., Kuznetsov N.N., Orobinskiy D. F. New unit for drying flax bales.

Trudy SPbGAU “Nauchnoe obespechenie razvitija APK v uslovijah reformirovanija” [Proc.

of the “Scientific provision of AIC development in the context of reforms”], 2012. pp.


10. Shushkov R. A., Kuznetsov N.N., Orobinskiy D. F. Preliminary tests of the unit

for extra drying the bales of linen with the flow of the coolant inside the bale. Trudy

SPbGAU “Nauchnoe obespechenie razvitija APK v uslovijah reformirovanija” [Proc. of

the “Scientific provision of AIC development in the context of reforms”], 2013. Part 1.

pp. 408-412.

11. Shushkov R. A., Orobinskiy D. F. Study of the distribution of heeter in the process

extra drying of linen bales. Trudy SPbGAU “Agrarnaja nauka XXI veka. Aktual’nye


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